MOVE TOOL -This tool is used to move selected area of an image and to move layer. You can move a image or a part of image to another image by dragging with Move Tool. In order to move a selected area, click on the selection hold it down, then drag it to the desired location.

MARQUEE TOOL -This tool is used to make selection on any image in rectangular shape. If you want to constrain the selection to perfect square shape, just hold the �shift� key while selecting.

LASSO TOOL -This tool is used to create freehand selections. To make a selection, click on the Lasso tool , then click on where you want to start your selection and draw your desired selection while holding your mouse�s left button. To complete your selection, just release the button. Or go to the begging point.

MAGIC WAND TOOL -This tool select area based color range, wherever you click. In the Options Bar at the top, you can change the tolerance to make your selections more/less precise. Because Tolerance is responsible for the sensitivity of the tool.

CROP TOOL -This tool enables you to cut out a specific area by discarding or deleting everything outside the selection.

HEALING BRUSH TOOL -This tool can repair scratches and specs on images. First choose your cursor size, then holding the �Alt� key, select nice/clean area of your image. Let go of the Alt key and paint over the damaged area. It copies the info from the first area to the second.

BRUSH TOOL -This tool paints on your image, in whatever color and size you select.

CLONE STAMP TOOL -This tool is used to create or replace the copy an area of an image.

GRADIENT TOOL -This tool create straight-line, radial, angle, reflected, and diamond blends between colors.

DODGE TOOL -This tool lightens areas in an image.

TYPE TOOL -This tool makes type or text. You have to click a single point, and start typing. There�s a lot of options for the Type Tool.

EYE DROPPER TOOL -This tool is used to select a specific color from the image.