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The Bird of Love
The Bird of Love
It has no legs....
So delicate and tiny as
Your littlest finger....

It flies and flies 
And never lands....
On transparent wings
Unseen , unbothered
By the hawk....

It flies within the heart of man
Until that day , with 
Final flutters in the sky ,
It falls to earth
Where it must die....

Perhaps to live and fly again
Without the legs to land....


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   page 1 - Aquarius
   page 2 - Bleeding Hearts
   page 3 - This Day
   page 4 - Winds Of Joys
   page 5 - My Son...The Dead One
   page 6 - Better Each Day
   page 7 - On a nearby Hill
   page 8 - Drowning
   page 9 - Love's First Branches

   page 11 - Barron Flowers    page 12 - The Purest Heart    page 13 - I Asked Too Much    page 14 - When I'm Home

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