New to the internet? Unsure what the internet has to offer you?

The internet is a vast space of information, websites, and now blogs.  Blogs are a new term for message boards, a place where you can connect to others with similar interests and share your thoughts and ask questions.  Blogs not only exist on personal web profiles but also on food web sites, crafts web pages, and even can be found as a handy tip section for the gardener.  Sharing what you know is a great source on the internet to find firsthand information on how not to go about doing certain things, and how to do things a better, an easier way.

The internet is a great way to stay in touch with long lost relatives and friends and you can chat with your favorite people everyday, for free.  Saving money on long distance phone calls and stamps. 

With the invention of the digital camera, the internet is a great way to share photos, all for free.  A digital camera eliminates the need to process film, and lets family and friends view your pictures from your own web page or sent right to their e-mail box.

You can get a free E-Mail account from Yahoo!, MSN Hotmail, and a number of other places online.  You can set up your own free web page to post family pictures and to share what�s going on.  Free web pages can be done on Yahoo!, and a number of other web sites.  The web building tools come with family photo album templates so you just choose a page you like and then upload your own photos.  For example, if you have a digital camera, you will upload your pictures to your computer and then to the internet to share with family and friends.  Digital cameras are easy to use and you simply plug in a cord that goes from the camera to your computer, and voila your pictures are on your computer ready to be shared over the internet!

The internet can also be a wonderful source for comparing different products and to see who offers the lowest price.  For tips on how to tap into online discounts see the free article,
Saving Money with the Internet.

Internet�s Free World is an informative article that tells you all about things to do online, for free.  From playing games to earning points to redeem for gift certificates, to learning a new language, the list of things to do online is endless. 

The internet is also the place to be to make money.  Whether you want to sell what you already have or to open an online business.  Both are easy to do.  I have made lots of money selling on E-Bay and simply getting my home clutter-free.  I also sold DVD�s and old CD�s to another website.  To see how I did this, see the free articles,
Cleaning out my closet on E-Bay earned me over $1000 in 4 weeks and I made over $100 selling my old CD�s and DVD�s to a new website.

You do not have to be an internet wizard or computer tech person to be able to do any of these things.        
There also many ways to
Sharpen the Mind with the online world.  All for free.  From learning how to write a book in a year at Harlequin to gaining new expertise in a subject you have always wanted to learn more about.

Just type in what you are looking for into one the search boxes located on a number of different search engines.  A search engine would be AOL, Google, Yahoo, MSN.  Some are better than others.  I always Google.  Some new terms, �Googling or to Google something,� means to simply use the search engine Google to look something up.

You may be surprised at what you can Google and what free information is out there.  For example, you can Google free craft patterns, and there are websites with just that!

The internet provides knowledge and information right at your fingertips, all without setting foot out the front door!  Jump on the internet today and you will surely find all kinds of things to keep your mind busy!  Just keep an eye on the clock as time flies when you�re online!     

For related articles see�

Making Money Online

Cleaning out my closet on E-Bay earned me over $1000 in 4 weeks

I made over $100 selling my old CD�s and DVD�s to a new website

Sharpen the Mind with the online world
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