Cleaning out my closet on E-Bay earned me over $1000 in 4 weeks

Cut the clutter and make the bucks.  How much is your stuff worth?  Stuff laying around the house, boxed up in the attic, or hidden in the deep dark depths of the closets could be money in the bank.

E-Bay is one of the best places to unload your old stuff, precious collectibles, outdated media equipment, and anything else you can find in your house or your garage.  Bringing buyers and sellers together in a unique forum will get you top dollar for your items.  E-Baying is the most enterprising garage sale you can have.  And watching one of your online auctions go soaring up is enough incentive to light your fire to post other items.  Warning: E-Bay can be addictive.  Just be sure you are addicted to selling and not to buying.

A good spring cleaning of my house and cleaning out my closets led to a stack of unwanted items.  I signed up with E-Bay, started listing my items to sell, and by the time I was on my fifth item, I had already sold two items on a Buy It Now Button.  Within the first two hours, I made $150.  What I learned is that there is a buyer for everything.  Things I didn�t think could be sold I found myself digging out of the throw away pile and listing on E-Bay.  Shoes that needed resoled.  No Problem.  Sold.  Broken camcorder.  Sold.  Twenty year old worn out jean jacket.  Sold.  What I was doing with a twenty year old worn out jean jacket in my closet, that, I have no clue.  Much the same for the broken camcorder and the shoes that needed to be resoled. 

What I initially thought would be endless trips to the trashcans and to the local goodwill, turned out to be an enterprising venture.  Guilty thoughts and regrets of the money spent were soon being replaced with a bank account overflowing from my E-Bay sales.  E-Bay sales of junk I no longer wanted.

Within 4 weeks I made over $1000.  Selling items once thought worthless now showed dollar signs.  I kept going through more and more stuff.  And making more and more money.  Just when I think I have nothing else to sell on E-Bay I�ll find something laying around the house that I haven�t noticed before. 

I did learn there are some secrets to increasing your sales and your profits on E-Bay.  The secrets I learned can be found in the
E-Book: Step by Step Guide to Selling on E-Bay. This will be the best four dollars you ever spend!  If you live locally, I can provide personalized assistance with cutting your clutter and making the bucks.  Just use the Contact Button at the bottom of the page.

If you have a local charitable organization, or other club or group arrange for a motivational speaker at your next meeting.  Don�t hesitate to contact me.  I love to give presentations and will gladly do it free of charge. 

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