Are you a craft hog?  A book hog?  Some other type of hog?  How you can save hundreds of dollars by relinquishing your hog qualities.

We all have things we love whether it is a fun hobby, an eclectic collection, or a favorite past time.  Things that make us feel good we have more of.  But what if we have too much of one thing?  Is it ever counter productive on the feel good feelings these items give us?

The truth is, yes.  Like many other women, my thing is crafts.  I have bins and bins of craft stuff.  A closet half full of material, a sewing machine, and all the other things you need to do virtually any craft.  All stored in my closet or in one of my bins.  It releases feel good sensations when on a rainy day I can go pull out all of my craft stuff and go through it.  Unfinished projects run amuck.  Things I�m just no longer interested in finishing, so in my unfinished projects bin they sit.  Lots of cute craft accessories that I know I will never use.  Why then did I buy these things?  How much craft stuff does one girl need?  Definitely, not this much. 

I�m a hog.  A big, fat craft hog.  Fat because my craft stuff overfloweth.  And I�ll go ahead and admit it.  I�m not just a craft hog, I�m a book hog as well.  And I�m not just a craft and a book hog, but I have several other hog qualities I can credit myself with. 

Are you a hog?  A kitchen gadget hog?  A cookbook hog?  Maybe a makeup hog?  A hair product hog?  A holiday decorating hog?  Some other type of hog?  All hogs have one thing in common.  We are hoarders.  We spend money on things we will never use, or maybe use once or twice.  Or maybe on things that once used to be our favorites and now take second place to our newer items.  We buy things to have, not to always use.  Are we getting the full satisfaction out of what we have?  

Are you working for your stuff or is it working for you?   If you have hog like qualities chances are you are working for your stuff.  Could we be just as satisfied with less stuff?  The answer is not only yes, but you can actually be more satisfied.  Satisfaction levels can increase with the less things you have.  How is this possible?  Because for hoarders like myself, I often don�t even know what all I have until I go through it.  How can I get satisfaction out of things I didn�t even know I had?  The answer is I cannot. 

Hoarders are hoarders because even though we have plenty, we buy more.  I have a whole box of unfinished craft projects, and yet I am tempted to buy more.  I have a whole bookshelf filled with books I have not read.  I buy more books, and they too sit on the shelf unread.  So why then do I not only have them but continue to buy more?  The answer is easy, I�m a hog. 

So what do you do when you know you�re a hog?  Should you stay a hog?  How much is it costing you to be a hog?  The first step is to identify what type of hog you are.  If you are like me, a professional hog in many different areas, make a list of the types of hogs you are.  Carry this list in your wallet by your chosen method of currency, as a reminder at the checkout counter.  Before you buy something ask yourself, �Am I having a hog moment?� 

After you identify what kind of hog you are, the next question is should you stay a hog?  No, you should not.  There are many reasons why you should change your hog like qualities.  The first is you can save hundreds of dollars by relinquishing your hog qualities.  For some, this could add up to be thousands of dollars over several years time.  The second is satisfaction.  We buy things to get satisfaction, but as a hog, the more you buy the less satisfaction you will receive.  You are not only spending your hard earned money, but we are being counterproductive.  We are spending more money and receiving less satisfaction.  The third is our things take up space in our homes.  A home filled with things we do not use causes negative energy, according to Feng Shui experts.  The Feng Shui decorating philosophy states that an uncluttered home produces positive, flowing energy.  A cluttered house feels small.  By cleaning out the clutter you can not only make a bunch of money but you can also find the space you want for the yoga room you have always wanted or maybe for a nice, clean office space, or a beautiful guest room.  
Cleaning out my closet on E-Bay earned me over $1000 in 4 weeks, plus a clean, uncluttered work space.
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