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 The realization that the modern sciences and technological development do not offer viable solutions to many vexing contemporary problems has sparked off a worldwide search for alternatives. The large corpus of knowledge and techniques accumulated over generations has had widespread influence.

Literary & Archaeological evidences support that some 2000 years ago, the Neger desert of Western Asia had seen a prosperous agricultural civilization. When Israel was constituted, the new country thought of reviving the erstwhile system. Ancient principles of water management were studied from archaeological and historical records. It was found that the system was far more complex than what it appeared to be at first sight. Intricate hydrological principles had been utilized. Based on the thorough understanding of the ancient system, attempts to recreate the system, have succeeded.  In fact the system and its principles have been extended even beyond.

There are many such examples world over. The focus of this meet is to examine such knowledge base from around the globe, synthesize it in a framework of understanding and disseminate it for larger use. The quality of life on earth is largely influenced by the combination of Agriculture (food), Environment and Health. Hence, this meet takes a holistic view of these three segments, which have a symbiotic relationship.

The main focus areas of the meet will be the following :







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B-33/14-22, Koshlesh Nagar Colony, Naria, Varanasi  221 005 (INDIA)

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