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Dwindling biodiversity

 Habitats are endangered by human activity and the loss of biological resources poses serious threat to existence of mankind. If the present trend continues, by 2050 A. D. about 25% of the global species will be extinct. The need for preservation lies in the value of the components of biodiversity. The Neem patent victory was significant, but safeguards against bio-piracy are not adequate.

 Traditional ecological heritage

 The essence of ancient & traditional wisdom is to live in partnership with, rather than exploit nature. Worship of the ‘Mother-Earth’ can be traced to prime beginnings of most of the cultures. Many acts of daily life indicate the close association of mankind with nature. This aspect of heritage deserves attention of the scholars.

 Gender & environment

 Gender based issues are substantially influenced by environmental conditions. There exists invisibility of a woman’s work and knowledge regarding judicious utilization of the natural resource base for sustaining environment due to their intersectoral and multiple-task involvement. The inter-relation of gender and environment has several dimensions within the traditional, as well as the modern setup, which needs to be emphasized.

 Ancient & traditional ecological wisdom

 Ancient and traditional wisdom is vital due to its ecological rationality. It’s central theme being the sustainable use of the system in which it has developed. It includes a system of classification, a set of practical observations about the local environment and a system of self-management that governs resources.


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