Big Brother: Harry Potter Style

warnings: abuse of HP characters, "Hints of Slash," postmodern architecture

Day 37, Thursday


Voldemort:  Think we should do something about that stack of tires?
Dumbledore: .... won't they decompose on their own?
Voldemort: Albus...  they're tires.
(The two are sitting on the wicker rocking chairs, sipping at their tea and enjoying the early morning sunrise.)
Dumbledore: If they won't go away on their own, we'll have to put them to some use.. 
Voldemort:  Lawn art.
Dumbledore:  Exactly what I was thinking....

Draco's cold seems to be worsening.  He does wake up when the other three are stumbling about and getting ready.
Draco: ggmmmm...!  (sounds of mucous)
Lupin: Well, he's alive!
Snape:  Draco, your father would not appreciate it if you died just now.
Draco:  I want to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee...
Snape(feels his forehead): Not a fever.
Draco: (coughs in attempt to clear throat - coughs some more)
Snape(sighs):  I don't have anything for you.
Lupin(has been rummaging around in suitcase, now joins Snape at bedside):  I do.  (presents Draco with a piece of chocolate) Here.
Lupin(frowns, goes to suitcase, returns with new chocolate):  Snickers?
Snape: Don't give him muggle food - are you trying to kill him?
Lupin: We've been eating muggle food all this time-
Snape(contemptuous look at chocolate): That - is not good for the sick.
Black: Now, now - no bickering, you two-
Draco(rolls over, buries self in covers):  aghhhhmmm
Lupin: all right, sleep then. (walks off.  Snape remains glaring, his fingers drumming compulsively against the side of the bed)
Draco: rrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Snape: Oh, quiet, Draco.  (storms out)

Tonks heads down to the kitchen, and is surprised to find no one here yet.
Tonks(singing to self): 
don't stop me nowwwwwwwwwwww - i'm having such a good time - hmm.. where is everyone?? the tea kettle's been used..    Albus??  (looks in living room, no sign)  Maybe he went to the back porch..
(At the back porch, Tonks finds a surprising sight - there is a gigantic, multi-sided, 7-foot tall edifice made completely of tires.  It looks like a lopsided postmodern cathedral, complete with buttresses)  What!? Where IS he?  (goes back into house)

Meanwhile in the front yard-
Voldemort:  Don't you think the "tower" is a bit ..flat?
Dumbledoer(adjusting a tire on top of a new creation):  It's circular.
Voldemort:  Yes, Albus, tires generally are.  I was suggesting that you turn it sideways, so that it acquires more height.
Dumbledore:  I prefer it this way.. it might be construed more as the base of a dome at such an angle..
Voldemort: It's not very striking..
Dumbledore(stands back to admire):  I think it's grand. 
Voldemort:  I wonder if it's mobile.
Dumbledore:  It will be if anyone tries to climb it. 
(they chuckle)
Voldemort:  I deem it "Understatement."
Dumbledore:  Well done, let's go back in before it becomes too hot.

Midday, living room sofa.
Black:  I'm bored.
Lupin:  Me too.
Black: Where's your book?
Lupin(frowns):  Snape took it away.
Black:  Hah!  What for?
Lupin(looks away guiltily): I fell asleep
Black(snickers):  you insulted the honor of his book.  it didn't keep you awake-
Lupin: well, Tonks was snoring in my ear-
Black: what - Tonks?
(Enter Snape, who stops when he sees them on His Sofa)
Snape: .....
Black: Good afternoon, Professor Snape!
Snape:  I am beginning to wonder if living like muggles turns muggle superstition into fact..
(sits in the arm chair on Lupin's side; he does not look comfortable)
Lupin:  Which superstition?
Snape:  Germs.
Lupin(amused):  Are you getting sick?
Snape(introspectively):  ... perhaps I drank too much...
Black: Wait - what did you drink??!
Lupin: What could that be?
BigBrother:  It has been brought to our attention that you are "bored."
Black(eyes sparkling mischievously):  Ah..  indeed!
BigBrother:  So we will create a diversion for you.  TOMORROW NIGHT-
Black: what! That doesn't do any good now!
BigBrother: You can begin worrying about it now.
(Lupin laughs)
BigBrother: THERE WILL BE A COSTUME PARTY TOMORROW NIGHT!  WE will pick your costumes for you.  That is all.
Black: ..................
Snape(hand to head):  Must they yell every announcement??
Tonks(from kitchen): COSTUME PARTY! WHAT FUN!

Sun room:
Voldemort:  Bertrum.... this bodes ill.

Bedroom Number Two:
Draco: rrrrrraghhh (cough cough cough)

Two hours later - Snape has persuaded Voldemort to visit the sick Draco "before he passes on."   They are at his bedside now. 
Voldemort:  Draco. 
Draco(rolls over, reveals a bloodshot eye from the mass of sheets):  eghh?
Voldemort: Child, Professor Snape says you're dying.
Draco: ... asdf
Voldemort: You've been reduced to monosyllabic non-words.
Draco: (coughs a throaty, tubercular sort of cough)
Voldemort: I disapprove! this is very inconvenient. (turns to Snape) What do muggles do when they get sick?  Isn't there a cure for this??
Snape:  I thought you were the muggle expert.
Voldemort:  I hope that was a compliment.
Snape: ....I hope so too.
Voldemort: .... (sharp long intake of breath) One of these days, Severus...  Surely you have a BOOK on the subject?
Draco: (continues to cough) aghh -  oh.... (cough)  THE END!!
Voldemort: He speaks!
Draco: Prof--(cough cough)  Snape-
Snape:  Yes?
Draco: here (rummaging under covers as he hacks away - suddenly his hand appears clutching a bottle of shampoo).. aghhh - take it-
Snape: (blinks)
Draco:  when I'm gone - (cough)  (tries to clear throat, fails)  have these- (produces another bottle)  my dying (cough) bequest-
Snape: (holds the bottles dumbly)
Voldemort:  Aren't I in the will, Draco?
Draco: you can have (coughs) ice cream... closet... (shaky intake of breath)  diary room-
Voldemort:  Oh, that's where you've hidden it!  hah - the werewolf didn't think you'd hide it in your original spot, eh?
Draco(rolls over):  farewell....... (cough)
Voldemort:  Let's leave the dying in peace, Severus - and get an ice cream sandwich.  Maybe it will cheer you up.
Snape: .. more than the hair care products...?  difficult..

Dinner  - now that there are only 7, well, 6 with Draco in bed, they fit comfortably around the table.  Everyone is in generally high spirits, except Snape who seems more sullen than before.
Dumbledore:  Has Draco eaten anything today?
Lupin: I tried to feed him, but Severus suggested it wouldn't do any good.
Snape:  Not muggle junk food.
Voldemort:  I wonder if he's still with us..
Tonks: I don't think he's dying!  He just wants attention! By the way - I thought some terrible fate had befallen you this morning, Albus.. where were you?
Dumbledore:  Tom and I were outside.
Tonks: I looked!
Voldemort: Ah, the wave of the future - postmodern tire lawn art.
Tonks(twitches; jumps up from table, runs out of room; they can hear her yell from near the living room) AHHHHHHHHHHHH!  THERE'S ONE IN THE FRONT YARD TOO!!
Dumbledore:  Perhaps we should rethink "Understatement" and turn it into a Malfoy Memorial?
Voldemort: Splendid idea, Albus.
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