TheAuthor's blog
(blarg?)   (Bloorg)
I would waste so much space with A/Ns, I thought I'd spill some guts here in an attempt to mitigate the rambling in BB. 
First things first:


followed closely by:


Maybe they dont
want traffic, thus the interaction rule, but scripts are harmless!  And in my search to find a home for BB I didn't find any other fanfic sites that were particularly welcoming of scripts.  It's like the bane of the ff world.. "What? scripts? nope, can't allow that, not literary enough."  Oh yeah? My next fic is a Harry Potter/Ulysses crossover, damn it.

but the nice thing about being forced into your own page is that YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RULES!  I feel all liberated now, as if I should go post some outrageous BDSM NC-17 Filch/Hagrid smutfest.. Nah, maybe I'll just submit THOSE fics to the numerous websites already dedicated to such topics.. Hmm! 

At least I am taking advantage of the NEW and IMPROVED� webspace by complaining here and not in the midst of a BB episode.  The only disadvantage... no one will see it here. 

That's not really a disadvantage.
Aug 1, 04
The Grease in Snape's Hair

It occurred to me that I've gone a good 33 episodes (not telling you how many words that is because you don't want to feel guilty having read that many), without EVER mentioning The Grease In Snape's Hair.  The phrase would have a trademark, but JKR probably already has one similar. 

The Grease in Snape's Hair is one of those defining points in the Harry Potter series - like Dumbledore's twinkling eyes, or James Potter's messy hair.  And because Snape shows up more often than those two, we hear about it more often.  Someone should go through and count the references to The Grease in Snape's Hair in each book.. oh wait.. this is Potter fandom -someone probably already has. And I'm too lazy even to google it.

BUT I do think the phenomenon requires ATTENTION and Honor. So I devoted an entire episode of BB:HPS to it. That's episode
34, entitled (enigmatically) "The Grease in Snape's Hair."
August 3
BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOORG (if anyone thought ep35 was slow in being posted, it's because TheAuthor got distracted with a friend arguing whether or not Johannes Brahms had been castrated by a horse-drawn carriage at age 10.)

I was thinking about writing out the  "R rated" version of BB:HPS, which is Wholesome Family Entertainment� in its current state.  But then it occurred to me that I have no time to do that. 

episode 35 was the "One scene dramatic buildup thing ala last scene in act 2 of Mozart's Marriage of Figaro" that is... first one character, then two, then three.. etc. until all present. Originally this was the opening scene in the ep:

Draco wakes up at 815.  The conditioner he's left on Snape's bed is back in his own.. He frowns, his head aches and his cheeks feel a bit warmer than usual.  Damn those dreams about--WAIT, PG13 version..
Draco:  ...  (grumbles to self) I'd better not be getting sick...>>

but no point in having a 4-line scene followed by a 80-line scene.  UNBALANCED!  Like my psyche!!
another inside joke.. two of lupin's lines were stolen from the captions my friends and I wrote for some Azkaban stills.  You can find them on meredith's page
here. I realized they were cooking and I challenged myself to use the lines - they had to be slightly modified, though....
August 2
not much to blog about today.  I dont want to talk about episode 36.  It DOES have some fun subtext, but that doesnt make up for it.

in other news, A LAST MINUTE VOTE won the day and saved Voldemort from his impending eviction.  well, I mean.. it was a tie, but still.  yay for new voters.  good job
August 4
People are wondering about who the winner will be.  THEAUTHOR will be the winner, if we ever get to week whatever it is when a winner is chosen.  I'm thinking I will stop when we have three contestants left, and you just vote for the one you want to win.  I'd love to see the Black and Lupin fans slug it out. (It's like putting two fighting betas in a little fish bowl.)  But who will be the third party??? 

We got
NEW ART! today, which was exciting. 

Also: Why is Snape in such a bad mood these days??? When will he cheer up?? the mystery continues.
More new art! (more on the way) drunk! sirius and snape blows up jacuzzi.. And Snape leads me to another rambling:

What up with the Snape fan club?

wait, ok - let's clarify.. there's a difference-

What up with the "Alan Rickman is HOT" fan club??

There's something that escapes me maybe?  I don't know. I can understand the much-loved "He's such a misunderstood character" bit, but how we get from "misunderstood" to "gimmeapieceoTHAT!" I just don't follow.  Now Snape is tons of fun to write.  I like Snape.  I abused authorial power to keep Snape around.   But I think he's best written with a happy degree of separation. 
AND - isn't it so that the older crowd prefers Snape?  Moms Love Snape.�  I don't know how much of that is connected with the "Alan Rickman is HOT" fanclub, but I have a funny feeling it's more than I'd prefer. 
I hope we have no members of said "Alan Rickman is HOT" fanclub reading BBHPS - that is, they're welcome - I just hope I haven't offended any, if they're around.  heh, perhaps the older crowd is mature enough not to flame wildly.. unlike the memebers of some other fanclubs...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Ahem, get out of here and read an episode.
August 5
welllllllll,  my friend convinced me to write a monthly complaint column for her webpage.  It's great to be known for complaining.  but then.. ths is the Harry Potter fandom - if you don't see something to complain about there's something  wrong with you. 

another note today's ep 39... I TOTALLY give Draco too much credit - I always have, because of my conviction that he would be so much funnier - so much more of a better foil to harry - if he were a little bit smarter.. ah, but he's fun to write that way.  aristocratic little punk...
august 7
August 6
Tom Riddle. 
Lord Voldemort.   He's one of my favorite characters to write.  He seems to have become rather popular with the audience too, since he's been up for eviction every week and not been kicked out.  Maybe it's the baldness.  Maybe it's the badassness.  Whatever it is... he's still with us.  When I picture the Dark Lord, I have in mind a tall, gaunt dark figure in black robes with red narrow slits for eyes, a snake-like nose, and a round, pale sort of head.
Obviously the man to play Lord Voldemort in movie four is Ralph Fiennes.


Today's ep (
40 - over the hill now!) was inspired by Plasmabomb, who has had so many run-ins with angry squirrels it's not even funny.  I hope the image of Tonks chasing them down the hall with a can of spray paint helps lessen the pain, Plasma.

On another note, I'm skipping "Monday" and combining it with "Tuesday" so that episode 41 will be on time for tuesday...
August 8
I stand corrected on the "Alan Rickman is Hot" fanclub.. That is, an alert reader wrote in, reminding me that "Some people are willing to overlook various physical shortcomings when presented with a voice that encapsules power, intelligence, and wit."  That has to be it - the voice, since I will grant that he does have a good voice.  Well, Moms Love Snape� ! proving once again that tenors are not the alpha males.  Ahem.
This is a conversation that happened at 1150 EST on Monday night; the friend wished to be known originally as "Recently Married Cat Woman Who Is In No Way Suggesting That She Likes That Horrid Woman Halle Berry And Indeed Cannot Spell Her Last Name?"  But I thought that was a bit ...prolix, so "Friend" it is.

NT: i was wondering the other day about the (apparently large) "Alan Rickman is HOT" fanclub..
NT: i can't figure that one out for the life o fme
Friend: Hmm... Wait wait 
Friend: who is Alan Rickman? 
Friend: Is that.... 
NT: the guy who plays Snape
Friend: ohmigod 
Friend: I love him 
Friend: He is the hottest man alive next to David Bowie 
Friend: Oh yeah, I'm all over him 
Friend: I dunno, but he has an undeniable attraction for me 
Friend: Especially with his sexy black hair, oooo yeah 
(....some words happened that don't need to repeated, since this is a PG-13 production...)
NT: offer us NO further explanation??
Friend: well, he DOES wear similar pants in those movies 
Friend: and a cape 
Friend: capes are hot 
Friend: yes, but it takes a special someone to pull it off 

There you have it.
August 9
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