LHE Skin Photorejuvenation

SkinStation unleashes the combined healing power of light and heat energy to reverse the effects of skin damage caused through ageing, smoking and prolonged sun exposure. Pigmentation, broken veins and fine lines and wrinkles can be improved quickly, safely and effectively.

An improvement will be noticeable after just one treatment, however a course of treatments will achieve the optimum results.
The treatment takes only a few minutes.




LHE Acne Phototherapy

SkinStation provides a safe and natural treatment for acne sufferers without the use of medication. It works by producing light and heat energy that is absorbed by porphyrin - a natural substance produced by acne bacteria. The energy is absorbed by the porphrin and oxygen is released as a result which in turn destroys the acne causing bacteria. It is in fact a self-healing process.

A course of treatments is required, however there are no side effects from this latest hi-tech treatment and best of all no antibiotics and no prescription drugs.










LHE Photoepilation

SkinStation gently removes growing hairs permanently from all areas of the face and body. It operates by delivering a short pulse of energy that raises the temperature of the hair.

The heat is transmitted to the germ cells in the hair follicle which disables them preventing further regrowth. It's very safe and in just a fraction of a second, hundreds of hairs can be treated.

As hair grows in cycles, a course of treatments in necessary which will be explained by your therapist during the consultation.

The benefits? The fastest way to permanently remove problem hair growth with the least cost.







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©Natural Beauty Clinic ~ April 2004.

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