Ageing Skin correction

  • Dermal Fillers

A dermal filler is an injectable substance such as Restylane, Juvederm or Macrolane that replaces lost soft tissue, and can be used to replenish the skins natural volume, to enhance the lips, the cheeks, or chin; to smooth out lines and wrinkles, and fill in tissue defects after scarring or conditions due to atrophy.

How long does it take?

After application of a local anaesthetic cream, the procedure is practically painless, and takes less than 45 minutes.

What I will look like immediately after the treatment and is there any recovery time?

Results are immediate. Patients might experience some slight swelling or redness, but this disappears in a day or two.

Are dermal fillers safe and are there any complications?

Modern dermal fillers have an excellent safety record.

How long do results last?

Results are effective up to 2-3 years, depending on the type of product used and the area of treatment.

  • Treatments with Botox or Vistabel

Botox injections are a simple and low-impact treatment for reducing signs of aging.  Although there are a wide variety of  treatments for creating a smoother more youthful look, from over the counter creams to major cosmetic surgery procedures, nothing rivals the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin for wrinkle reduction. 

What is it Botox?

The word Botox was originally the commercial name given for injections derived from Clostridium Botulismus bacteria, however the term has become so widespread that it has become the common way to refer to it.  When injected into the muscles under the skin, they are paralyzed by the toxin created by the bacteria, and the result is a smoothing of the skin's surface.

How is it done?

Small amounts of Botox are injected into the target areas. The injections are done with help of a very fine needle.  Common areas to be treated are the forehead, frown lines between the eyebrows, crow's feet around the eyes, and the marionette lines around the mouth.

How much does Botox cost?

The price of Botox is directly associated to the number of units of medication used.  A typical treatment of the forehead, frown lines, and crow's feet will run from 50 to 85 units, and will depend on a variety of factors, including gender, age, and size.  We estimate costs to administer at £3 per unit, and this includes any anaesthetic cream and the follow up visit.

Botox is licenced for treatment of moderate to severe glabellar lines and for treatment of hyperhydrosis, excessive under arm sweating. Only specially trained registered medical practitioners can administer the treatment. Some of the treatments are available on NHS and we therefore give patients an option to visit their own GP for consultation and prescription. We can then administer the treatment. You may still have to pay the full price for your medication, but it will considerably reduce the cost of your treatment. We can offer a private consultaton with GP at the cost of £ 100.

Is it painful?

Due to the extremely fine gauge of the needles, most people find it painless, however in certain sensitive areas anaesthetic cream might be applied prior to the treatment, numbing the area, and making the injections more comfortable.

How long does a Botox treatment take?

The actual injections take only 5 to 10 minutes. However, every patient is consulted and counselled prior to the treatment and a before photo is taken. The entire process requires approximately 30 minutes to an hour.

What am I going to look like immediately after the procedure?

Slight swelling at the site of injection settles within 10-15 minutes. No changes are expected immediately; the results of the treatment are gradual and become apparent only after 24-72 hours after the injections.

What are the side effects?

Minimal swelling, occasionally some bruising, and slight muscle tightening. In very rare cases, flu-like symptoms can occur lasting a day or two.  Transient eyelid drooping is sometimes seen, and settles within 2-3 weeks. Skin infections are very rare.  Cases of allergy are quite rare.

How long does a Botox treatment last?

On average skin remains smooth for 3-6 months, and can last up to 9 months.

Does it work for everyone?

About 3% of patients develop resistance to the drug and consequently the duration of the effect is highly reduced.

Do I need a follow up?

Yes, a follow up is recommended, and this is done during a consultation after 2 weeks, at which time the after photos can be taken and compared to those take before the injections.

Are there any contraindications?

You should not have this treatment if you have a disease associated with muscle weakness such as Myasthenia Gravis, Muscular Dystophy, pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to components of the drug, antibiotic use a week prior to the treatment or are taking muscle relaxants.

  • Treatment with Sculptra

Sculptra is an injectable product that contains microparticles of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a synthetic polymer from the alpha-hydroxy-acid family.

Gravity and age alter facial complection with time by contribution to changes in skin, muscle or fat leading to ageing in overall facial appearance. Over the course of the adult lifespan, certain noticeable sceletal and soft tissue age related changes in shape, size and configuration of the face occur. The volume replacement is therefore essential to the practice of facial rejuvenetaion.

The physiologic processes that lead to fat loss are analogous given that patients with HIV-associated facial lipoatrophy do not present with the same pattern of fat loss as those with age-ralated volume loss. Typically volume loss occurs in the nasolabial folds and cheeks.

Sculptra is NOT a dermal filler but a collagen stimulator. It stimulates your own collagen production to replenish your skin and therefore it works gradually to restore what ave been lost

How long does it take and how many treatments will I need?

After application of a local anaesthetic cream for about 30 min and an ice pack, the procedure is less painfull, and takes about an hour. Generally a minimum of 3 treatments may be necessary with 6 weeks apart to achieve the desired effect.

What I will look like immediately after the treatment and is there any recovery time?

At your first treatment visit , it may appear that Sculptra worked immediately because of the swelling from the injections. In a few days te swelling goes down. Sculptra takes time to work and results sould be noticable after approximately 6 weeks. Results with Sculptra vary between individuals depending on the genda, age and underlying condition of the skin. Results can not be guaranteed.

What are the side effects and is it safe?

The most common side effect include bleeding, tenderness, pain, redness and bruising or swelling at the site of injection. These usually resolve within 2-6 days. One possible delayed side effect with Sculptra can be small bumps under the skin in the treated area. They are usually not visible but noticabe when pressed. Sculptra is biocompatible and biodegradable, so any small bumps usually dissappear with time.

How long do results last and costs?

Results are effective for up to 2 years. Sculptra is marketed by sanofi aventis and their main ingredient has been used in medicine for over 25 years. It has a good safety profile. Sculptra is licenced to be used for volume loss in addition due to lipoatrophy. Some treatments can be carried out on NHS and you can seek advice from your GP who can prescribe this product through NHS . You may still need to pay the full price for your product. We can certainly perform the treatment for you at a considerably lower price.

The usual cost of your first treatment is 450 GBP wich includes your consultation and the cost of your first vial. The follow up treatments are usually at 350 GBP per session






©Aesthetics and Beauty Clinic ~ April 2004.

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