bangunan mdt
Mount Ophir | Johor Matriculation College | Centre of Shoppings | Taman Herba Nasuha | NMR Briyani Gam
entrance of nasuha   nasuha

Nasuha Spices and Herbs Farm is located at Km19, Jalan Muar-Pagoh, 84500 Muar, Johor, the area covering 3,200 acres, it is the farm herbs and spices of Asia's largest.


The farm is capable of producing 6 to 10 metric tons of raw material per day. The herbs in the organic system based on not using pesticides and chemical fertilizers.


Therefore, to ensure raw materials are free from chemical contamination. High-tech drying system used to dry all the herbal raw materials.


Success so far is due to the influence given by the master of the house,

Haji Nasuha's sincere efforts to promote the company continues to maintain the quality of its products.