bangunan mdt
Mount Ophir | Johor Matriculation College | Centre of Shoppings | Taman Herba Nasuha | NMR Briyani Gam
nmr view     nasi beriani nmr
pelanggan at nmr

NMR Beriani Gam was the super duper delicious beriani rice ever in the 21st Century in Tangkak, Johor. This is the second branch of NMR Beriani Gam that situated at Kuala Lumpur. The place situated at Jalan Sialang, 2 km from Bandar Tangkak. The food provided in the restaurant from breakfast to dinner. The most famous cuisine here is of course the beriani gam wether with lamb, beef or chicken.

Most of their costumers , or i can say all of them were satisfied with the taste of their foods and also their services to their customers.

Come to the NMR Beriani Gam and taste the mouth-watering beriani here!