bangunan mdt
Mount Ophir | Johor Matriculation College | Centre of Shoppings | Taman Herba Nasuha | NMR Briyani Gam
kedai kain @ tangkak                                            kedai kain

harga kain

Tangkak were a small town at the district of Ledang, Johor and were the main Administration Town in the dustrict. Ledang District were the new district for State of Johor since it were slit from Muar. Before the district being split from Muar, it was under the power of Majlis Daerah Muar Selatan and now it is under the Majlis Daerah Ledang.


Tangkak City situated not far away from Mount Ophir also known as Gunung Ledang which are the tourism attractrion and have it own fascinating view  and transparent clear waterfall.


Tangkak were known among the local residents as the Heaven of Fabrics also known as in Malay as “Syurga Kain”. This is due to many shops along the streets of Tangkak that sold numerous and fine fabrics. No doubt! When you cross along the town, all you can see are the pretty and intriguing your sight.