bangunan mdt
Mount Ophir | Johor Matriculation College | Centre of Shoppings | Taman Herba Nasuha | NMR Briyani Gam
kmj entrance  view of kmj

Johore Matriculation College is a pre-university tertiary education college under Ministry Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia in preparing students for the entrance of university. Its campus is in Tangkak, Ledang, Johor.

Johore Matriculation College have six dormitories special for their students. Two for boys and 4 for girls. Block A known as Al-Zahrawi meanwhile block B for Al-Kindi. Both block dedicated to the boys that studying in the junior college. Block C is Al-Jazari. Block D is known as Al-Razi. Block E is known as Al-Biruni and last of the last block is Al-Khawarizmi. All four blocks dedicated to the girls that studying in the junior colllege. Apart from that, the administration of JMC also prepared at least one special room for the unique disabilities of the students which located at the ground floor of each block.
The ground floor also has at least four houses for felo. Felo are the ones that responsible for the whole block for the disciplinary of the members. Each block are represented by one colour and the colour changes each year. This can be proven such that in the KAKOM (Karnival Kokurikulum Matrikulasi).

There are four cafes here. The four cafes are assigned to different location. Cafe A, only available to boys are located between Block A and Block B. Cafe B and Cafe C are located in between Block C and D and Block E and F respectively. Lectures's Cafe are located near with the Administration block. The Lectures's Cafe however allow student to coexist together and hence a small certain number of boys and girls prefer to eat instead of other cafes.

The library also known as Pusat Sumber Zaaba. The infrastucture are located at the diagonal of the college. In other terms, the library are built in the middle of the college. At the side of the library are the JPP Action Room. The Language Lab also in the Library. The are a total  3  Discussion Room  which is A,B and  Relaxation  Room. In the top level of the Libary, there is also a computer lab that is provided with free Wi-Fi fot the students. It is also Teenagers' Cyber Room.

Tutorial blocks are located at the side of the library which is near to the examination block. The block containing the tutorial room has three levels, each level having an average of 16 tutorial rooms. The ground floor has 6 chemistry labs, first floor has 6 biology labs and the second floor has 6 physics labs.

There are the total of 6 lecture hall. DKB (Dewan Kuliah Besar , 1 and 2) and DKK (Dewan Kuliah Kecil , 1,2,3 and 4). DKB 1 uses red chairs equipped with table separately. DKB 2 however, consist of slanted table with chairs especially built for each individual. DKK have the same structure. Chairs are specially fused with the table.

Office were also known as Admin Block, built near the Lectures' Cafe. Consisting of one Stop Centre for the usage of the students to revise and study. The block has three levels. Ground floor consist of  Dewan Sri  Temenggung in which usually the campaigns and the activities are held here (capacity of 200 individuals) and equip with a secret passage to a hidden toilet that linked to the  Counseling Room.  Third level  consist  of Scientifict Subject and the second floor consist of Mathematics Subject and other subjects.