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Music Therapy

A Scientific Search:

If we understand our ear's function we can understand how vibration affects our entire body. We listen through our ears and also with the rest of your body.

The inner ear contains the organs for equilibrium and hearing. The semicircular canals, a non-auditory part of the inner ear, helps to keep the body's equilibrium. The Cochlea (in spiral canal) contains the cilia which are the receptors for hearing (Organ of Corti). The auditory nerve is connected to the Organ of Corti. Signals travel through the auditory nerve to the brain for processing. Each cilium is connected to a specific receptor site for particular ranges of vibration. This receptor site translates vibrations to electrical signals, which stimulates the brain. According to our particular physiological and psychological association, the electric sound signal triggers various memories, feelings, aesthetic experiences, etc.

Simultaneously environmental vibrations (sound) shake the temporal bones of the skull and the temporal bones vibrate the fluid medium of the brain. Inside the skull these vibrations flap the "wings" of the sphenoid bone. The sphenoid bone holds the pituitary gland in a kind of cup or saddle known as the sella turcica. The vibrations of the "wings" of the sphenoid bone stimulate the pituitary gland, which activates the neuro-hormonal response systems which affects the whole body. Sound and vibrations stimulate the body's electrical and nervous systems at the same time.

External vibrations are received through the whole body. Different cells, bodily systems and organs have their own resonant frequencies at which they vibrate.
The body has two primary electrical systems. One is the alternating electric current of the nervous system, the brain, neurons and nerves, which causes muscle contraction, nerve transmission, glandular secretion and sensation. The other is the electromagnetic system emanating from atoms and cells. This electromagnetic system may be called the aura, but is better described as an energy field. The two systems, electromagnetic and nervous, are both affected by vibration, sound, tone and frequency.

Sound is first received by the electromagnetic field and then by the nervous system, creating resonance within the body. The reception happens almost instantaneously. As we learn to become more aware of sound and vibration we can choose how you interact with the vibration. Dr. Randolf Stone, developer of Polarity Therapy (which is based on the restoration of flows of energy), taught that our bodies are not solid, but are a patterned flow of energy movement. Illness results when the flow of energy is inhibited or disrupted. When we are in flow we create holism within ourselves. Holism assumes that each individual is unique and represents a complex interaction between body, emotions, mind and spirit. Health exists when these elements function in harmony with each other and with the cosmos. Disease becomes present when parts become separated or when conflict arises.

Through many people's research we are learning that our physical body is much more than what we see with our eyes. The physical substance is energy and energy can be affected by vibrations, sound, tones and frequencies of any kind.
The more we listen to and experience natural sounds, that is sounds or music that are related to natural rhythms or structures, the more connected we will become to our self, the cosmos and to our original nature. We are vibrations. We are energy itself.

Quantum physics demonstrates that everything is made up of vibratory fields. We have a physical body, emotions, mind, soul and spirit, each of which can be considered to be a vibratory field. Sound can cause different effects in each one of these fields. Some music stimulates our emotions or mind; some heals our body. Other vibrations breakdown our electromagnetic field, possibly leading to disease.

Man-made vibrations are potent and everywhere. They include microwaves, computers, TV and video, X-rays, sirens, telephone signals, etc. Whenever there is an electromagnetic pattern in the environment and a human energy field comes in contact with it, resonance occurs, and the body's cell structure is immediately affected. The environmental field may benefit our health or it may be destructive, disorganizing your energy field. It could also be a mild vibration could have negative effects over time.

When we listen to music we seek harmony - harmony not in its tonal sense, but
harmony in the original meaning of the word, "to fit together." We learn to let ourselves fit with and resonate with the sounds.

Dissonance means not fitting. Dissonance is an inability to be flexible. It is the root of all disease. The physicist David Bohm describes health as the essence of non-obstructed, indivisible, flowing movement of the self's internal harmony transcribed into the external world. When the internal and external are at odds with each other - dissonant - the result is disease or a break in harmony. In music one seeks the fundamental in one's self;
the return to the fundamental is anywhere, anytime, and any direction, because the fundamental is everywhere and here.

Consciously, sound invokes emotional responses. Subconsciously, it affects everything from the cells in our body to our soul. The power of musical sounds and noises influence each of us differently. The same sounds will make one person "hot" and another "cold." Emotional responses to music can range from tears, to excitement, to anger, and some people remain seemingly unaffected. Dancing to music shows us the stimulating effect of rhythmical music. Under the influence of dance music, individuals who feel exhausted can become so energized that they can dance for hours and feel more refreshed at the end.

Listening to music, playing an instrument, singing, talking or chanting all affects the vibrational field of our body, emotions, mind and spirit. Even science shows us how sound affects matter.

Listening to right type of music can alter our world view and change our level of consciousness.

Webster's defines healing as "to make sound" It might be more accurate if we were to say "to become sound."

Music is not only a passive or an active experience; it is a way of being, a way of living.

The healing arts, like the musical arts, are undergoing a revolution. Just as there new music patterns are developing, many new healing techniques are developing.

Music can bring forth necessary changes in our self on both physical and mental levels to be able to live harmoniously. A great deal of responsibility has to be shouldered by music composers and musicians. We need to serve in a very humble way. We have to work ultimately for the transformation necessary for a leap in evolution, an upliftment of our level of consciousness treading towards the Ultimate Goal of the evolution of the soul.

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