Roman magistratesRoman Dreams

A Historical Miniatures Wargaming Page

New: De Bellis Columbus 2005 update!

Even newer: Camps for sale on ebay!

"Roman Dreams" is devoted to my hobby of wargaming. I have always been captivated by history: The rise and fall of kingdoms, empires and nations -- their struggles, triumphs and defeats -- quicken my blood. Wargaming gives me a chance to recreate that pageant of history on the tabletop, to make the deeds of men long buried come alive again before my eyes.

There are a variety of types of wargaming. My main interest is historical miniatures, which I feel is one of the most visually thrilling types of gaming. Historical miniatures enthusiasts collect armies of (usually lead) miniatures, paint them to resemble the army they are fielding, and stage games using agreed upon rules to refight historical or hypothetical battles. So, you can be Julius Caesar facing the Gauls, William Wallace leading his Scots against Medieval England, or Frederick the Great marching on Austria.

I particularly enjoy the Ancient time period, from the dawn of history up through the Middle Ages. I have collected and painted hundreds of troops: Romans, Greeks, Persians, Byzantines, Goths, Huns -- the list grows all the time as a book, movie or visit to a historical sight inspires me.

Click on the above links to read more about my hobby, or scroll down below to read accounts of my wargaming sessions with my friends. Who knows? Perhaps it will inspire you to paint your own legions and dream your own Roman Dreams of history...


An updated account of the gaming I've been doing lately, with battle reports, e-mail accounts of game from my friends and so on...

De Bellis Columbus: Sept. 29-Oct.2, 2005, at Buckeye Game Fest

Sunday, July 20: Turn One Staff of Power HOTT campaign

Saturday, July 13:Warparty Tournament Warparty DBA Tournament

Sunday, June 22: Azteca boardgame

Sunday, June 8: HOTT warmup

Saturday, May 17: Drums Along the Maumee DBA Tournament

Sunday, May 4: New Rome Tryathalon (board games)

Saturday, April 12: HOTT ICE Tournament

Sunday, April 13: Jungle Boogie (VC Crossfire and Tikal)

Saturday, Dec. 7: 1st Annual HMGS Great Lakes Big Battle DBA Tourney, at The Soldiery, Columbus, OH

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