Sunday, July 20: Staff of Power HOTT campaign

(Fantasy Miniatures)

Mighty Ent behemoths

We played our first turn of Steve Sattler's "Staff of Power" campaign for Hordes of the Things. All six players launched an invasion, three were successful, three were beaten back.

Elf CavalrySilverleaf Confederation

Here is a more detailed account on goings on in the campaign from the view of my Elves, The Silverleaf Confederation (pictures to follow soon):

"...The Wise of the Silverleaf Confederation had known about the Runes that could lead to a rebuilding of the arcane Staff of Power for untold years. The staff would give dominion over all the lands and its peoples, and thus the Wise did not seek it...unless they discovered others, less trustworthy, sought it. And so, at one greivous and weighty counsel, the evidence became too compelling. Other peoples, Evil as well as misguided Good, were seeking the Runes. The Wise of the Silverleaf Confederation agreed they, too, must seek the Runes, seek Power, lest Evil win dominion over the Children of Valar. And thus, the Rune Wars began..."

The army of the Silverleaf Confederation marched north into the Mountains of Jammosvald. A nation of men devoted to banditry, calling themselves the Lost Legion, had made it their haunt. They must be defeated, their raids halted, and their mines brought under control of the Confederation. Their army was mostly a mix of disciplined legionaries (blades) and bandits (warbands). They were skilled, though, as evidenced by the ballistae they hauled to the battlefield, and set up to anchor the right side of their battleline.

Against them, the Elves deployed between two steep hills, a massive Ent (behemoth) in the center of their lines. On either side, Elven Spear were packed deeply, and to their flanks, Elven archers spread out on either side. The Elven cavalry (riders) were behind in reserve. As the enemy fanned out in advance, the swift-moving cavalry circled right around the hill and descended on the Legion's left flank, which was guarded by bandits (warband). Caught in the open, the bandits were encircled and ridden down, while the Elven archers lined the hill slopes to guard the cavalry's left.

Desperate, the Legion's general rode with his mounted bodyguard (riders) to try to prevent his line from being rolled up. The Elven cavalry encircled and cut him down, too. With his loss, the Legion fled the field.

As tidings of the first Elven victory in the Rune Wars reached Laconia, many sighed aloud in relief. The Wise had said the war was necessary, but the Elves were not a bloodthirsty people. This was a good victory on the battlefield, one with a minimum of bloodshed on both sides. The Rune War may be necessary, but it was not to be enjoyed.

Elf Spearmen

Red Mountain Orcs

-- by Allen Sams

Smellz Fearse looked over his assembled band of followerz and smiled, baring his tusks at the restless masses. They were rough, they were ready, and he was going to unleash them on this unquiet corner of the world. Long had the lands been beset with bandits and scum, but no one before him had ever held them together as these were. Smellz had made sacrifices to the god Kraalz, built him a temple and the inhabitants of his land flocked to it. Those who didn't see the wisdom of his ways, who couldn't stomach the marches, stand hours of drilling were fed to their hungry god and now the signs were right. Divide and conquer, move swiftly, never hesitate. The next sacrifices would be on someone elses soil.

Moving out through the hilly, wooded land much like his own, his band pushed fear and alarm ahead of it. Coming to a clear area with woods on his right and a hill in front of him he had glimpses of an assembled band ahead of him. With a growl in his throat and blood in his eye Smellz sprinted at the head of his band to the top of the hill. . . A motley crew, much like his own, stood opposing him at the far foot of the hill. There were more of them but their leader was a coward, skulking in the rear. It wouldn't help, a few quick kills and he would be found and put to the test . . . Pushing down the hill and into the assembled mob of thugs and brigands holes were punched in their cowardly line. The lack of preparation of these feeble thieves and scoundrels was clear. Sweet victory was at hand, now to invoke Kraalz to see the rightousness of his followers and to claim his sacrifices.

However as the battle raged, desperation among the vanquished set in, losses for Smeelz band mounted as their line became ragged in pursuit. There clearly wasn't time to rest on one's laurels especially when they hadn't been bestowed yet . . .another push and momentum was regained. Then with thunder, flame, and destruction, Kraalz appeared on the left flank towering above all and the band of brigands that had thought to oppose him, thought again turned tail, and ran. Kraalz waded through the dead and claimed the choicest for himself but tonight there is flesh for all.

Tomorrow we march again, with bellies full Smellz thought...

Krystull Kunphederation (Chaos)

-- by Tom Graves

Oakham-Chaos News Network (CNN) by Cronkite Walters

Konfederation forces liberated the oppressed citizens of Oakham from the bloody and tyranical rule of the Emir of El-Badieh. Konfederation forces brought the bandit kingdom army to heel near the small village of Heart-of-Oak.

The untested Konfederation troops marched bravely toward their merciless enemies. Though some of our young troops quailed in fear at the fearsome warriors, riding mighty horses that breathed fire and stood ten foot high at the shoulder, none shirked their duty to family and Konfederation brothers.

When the battlelines clashed together these young troops proved their hearts were pure and without fear of death. Our brothers from the lower planes, Nazfuratu and Draku suged forward to drive back the heathens. Our hillmen brothers gave up their lives valiently on the right flank to a great hulking being of earth and stone. This vile atrocity was eventually halted by the Voice of Chaos and her loyal followers.

In the center our air force turned the tide, overflying and then surrounding and destroying their dacoit leader. The struggle was a difficult one, but many lessons were learned and the future will bring more and mighty victories.

Leapin' Lispin' Lizards

-- by Joel Sams

Dear Diary, the fact that I wassss turned into a toad left a bad tassste in my mouth. Why hasss the godzz of peace forsssaken uss? Have we not worssshiped every full moon? I feel that the evil powerss are laughing at me and calling me namesss, like toadboy, and flybreath, behind my back. ssSurely next battle will be better and peace will once again fill the land. (sigh) The ssagess will have the answer tomorrow.

signed, LizardWizard

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