Jade's Gambit
Goodman Sagerious�

I have noticed your attempts to locate me; twice now you have meddled in my affairs. I think that this is somewhat uncalled-for. I haven�t interfered with your work, so I would expect that you do not interfere in mine. I hope that our relationship can continue without any further meddling.

However, if the nature of our present relationship is not amenable to you, then it may take an unfortunate turn. I do hope that this outcome can be avoided, as your employees may not enjoy further antagonism between us.

As a friendly pointer to a sometimes-visitor to Highmoon�Flamerule is the season for wildfires in Cormanthor, and I have noticed that your shop is built of highly flammable wood. It would cause me deep sadness to hear that an unfortunate accident had befallen your source of livelihood.

Now please, for the sake of everyone involved, don�t be foolish. Know that I have eyes and ears everywhere, and that nothing happens in this town without one of my blades noticing. Any attempt to evacuate your employees in preparation for an attack could very well result in unfortunate accidents befalling, say, ten of your neighbors.

                                                                                                                                       I hope we understand each other,
                                                                                                                                                Jhespias Silverblade

P.S. I feel that it is important to mention that, knowing your penchant for wizardry, I have taken the precaution of dictating this letter. Neither the page, nor the ink, nor the pin, have ever touched my hands.

To the Hand of Valor,

I regret that, because of Harper business, I cannot be in Highmoon to help you in your present task.

Instead, I have instructed the bearer of this letter, Enoen, to aid you. She has spent the last four months infiltrating the Silverblades, both in Highmoon and Archendale. Trust her as you would me.

                                                                                                                                                               Go with Milil�s bright song,
                                                                                                                                                                         Jhenna Iliathor
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