Ethir en Mormegil
"Spies of the Black Sword"
The Shrine of the Black Sword is a memorial in Leuthilspar, the capital of Evermeet, to all of the Tel�Quessir who have fallen throughout elven history. A quiet garden filled with tall, unadorned columns of black marble, the Shrine of the Black Sword is a focal point for the sadness, anger, regret, loss, and longing of many elves. Since the retreat has ended, it has become a potent symbol, for many, that elves belong back in Faerun�that despite war and death, it is better to exist as part of the world than to retreat from it.

When Queen Amlaruil decided to form a corps of scouts and emissaries to the mainland, she wanted to give it a name that would galvanize her people into action. Olimbrivar Amlaruil, father to the young agent Valar, eventually gave the corps its name: Ethir en Mormegil, the Spies (or scouts) of the Black Sword. Composed of the cream of elven nobility, the talented sons and daughters of Evermeet�s great houses, Ethir en Mormegil is a diverse corps of scouts, spies, warriors, wizards, diplomats, priests, and even assassins.

Webmaster's Note: the Evermeet Bureau of Information has prohibited me from posting the names or powers of any members of the Ethir en Mormegil, saying that it is bad enough that so much information about Elros is already available. However, I am not without my contacts on the island, and they assure me that every last Ethir scattered throughout Faerun is as competent, dedicated, and deadly as Elros himself.
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