The Captain gets busy
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Sometimes things just don't work out the way you thought it would.

Take our latest scam-bait for instance.  Mr. Wilson Victor had discovered a couple of million dollars left in a South African bank account.  The account's owner, a Phillip Morris had died (presumably from smoking), and left no heirs.

So, we responded, and waited.  Giving up, we moved onto Senator Luisa Estrada, whose late husband hid some trunks filled with loot.  She responded, and we had a conversation going.

You can guess what happened next - Wilson wrote back.  So, we ended up with two baits concurrently, both dealing with Captain Don Morgan USAF, stationed at Area 51, with haunting appearances from the mysterious PT Barnum.

Wilson Victor meets Captain Morgan

How embarrassing, I threw out the original offer.  However, you know the deal - blah, modalities, blah, blah...
1. The captain responds
2. As does another
3. No matter, Victor has scripts for everyone
4. Barnum brings a certain odd flair to email.
5. At least Capt. Morgan is normal
6. Documents are sent to the bank
7. So I'll be flying to Johannesburg?
8. Problems with the bank
9. "Paging Victor Wilson"
10. Contact Dr. Fred Thambo Immediately
11. An apology from Morgan
12. Misdirected mail
13. Morgan needs details
14. And Morgan sends his travel itinerary
15. Victor turns petulant
16. Finally Dr. Thambo shows up
17. A call from Thambo
18. Things go downhill
19. There's a new man in Morgan's life
20. And he's got a potty mouth

The Captain and the Senator

1. Senator Luisa Estrada reaches out
2. "But i implore you to remin discreet"
3. SWM, N/S, looking for scam artist
4. "I'm not sure that I'm 100% human"
5. A lovely set of pictures and documents
6. About your daughter's marital status...
7. Barnum gets dumped
8. Embarrassingly, he doesn't handle the breakup well
9. We are grudgingly contacted by the security company
10. Luisa mollifies Barnum
11. And talks business with Morgan
12. Captain Smooth inquires again about the daughter
13. Luisa proceeds with the script
14. 'Paging Mr. Lockman...'
15. Chitchat from Barnum
16. A must see!  Luisa sends an .mpeg!
17. Travel plans are set
18. Morgan feels unease
19. An urgent message from Morgan
20. If you look like your passport photo, you need the trip.
21. Good news from Capt. Morgan
22. "Expanicate?  I don't think I can"
23. More from Barnum
24. "Flexible"
25. New travel plans
26. Gone again
27. Morgan searches in vain
28. Luisa "the Mushroom" Estrada
29. Barnum makes a break for freedom
30. Group photo - Morgan and Barnum

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