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Problems with email


I wish to notify you that all communication with regards my funds in Amsterdam should henceforth be addressed to this email address for security reasons.

This implies that you must be very vigillant at all times and must disregard any email correspondence from [email protected] because it has been brought to my notice that someone else has access to that mail box.

(now *this* is interesting.  Was another scam-baiter working her over?  Did someone hack into her account?  I never did find out, but whoever it was, I wish they had been more discreet)

Please take note and adhere to my instructions.

Best regards

Senator Luisa Pimentel Estrada.


I have decided to introduce the use of password for security reasons.The subject of my mail from now on shall be "Flexible".

If you receive any mail from me which does not carry that subject,you are advised to disregard such mail.

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