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That same day, Luisa replies.  Obviously pissed off, she doesn't even bother putting anything in the body of the email.

Subject: How soon will you be in Amsterdam?

By the looks of things, this little bit probably cost her a great deal.  At the point that she has managed to shepherd someone into actually showing at the airport, her manager is expecting a return on investment.  A pity she had to explain that I didn't show up.

Three days later, she gets a reply

Dear Senator:

I hope I haven't caused you undue stress with our
recent problems. I only made it into the office about
an hour ago, and I'm still not wholly recovered from
my travels.

I have attached a picture a colleague took minutes ago
to show you just how rough the trip was on me.

Hopefully today or tomorrow I will be able to give you
updated travel plans.


Don Morgan
Capt. USAF
Area 51

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(Whoops, forgot to crop the "AP PHOTO" She doesn't notice, however.  The pic is of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Queda's former operations master)

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