Don Morgan Jr.

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So, our goal on this one was twofold:

  • First, we again wanted to see if we could get the scammer to try and double-cross us, working on getting money out of us both.
  • Second, we wanted to see just how much North American teenage slang we could force feed him.

Unfortunately, it didn't get far enough for the double-cross.  Once again this is the prize that eludes us.  However, he did swallow "bling-bling" without even blinking.

1.  "do not take undue Advantage of the trust we have bestowed on  you."
2.  Jr. responds enthusiastically
3.  And Edom is so enthusiastic in reply that he can't start a new sentence.
4.  Questions, questions, questions
5.  We toss PT Barnum into the mix
6.  Hello?  Anyone home?
7.  Edom contacts Jr.'s lawyer
8.  And gets confused responses from Barnum and Jr.
9.  With no response for a few days, Barnum emails Edom
10. Finally, Edom replies
11. And gets even more testy
12. But backs off soon enough
13. "you can come to Nigeria and perform this duty okay"
14. Barnum and Edom converse.
15. Jr. tries some subtle insulting
16. But it is all for naught

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