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My Pretty Girls!

My pretty S'MoreS'More  My Sweet Taffy Taffy  My Little Oreo Oreo

 I've been working hard on collecting genealogy. I'm always finding new information on the net to add to the list of verification information, plus all the new descendants who contact the page. I've added over 40,000 name this past year. I'm working on my database. I've got to take it to the genealogy center and have it run through TempleReady®. Then I can get a list of names ready for Emily to do at the Rexburg Temple.

Healthwise, it's been another down and up year. I have all the typical diseases of a fat person. I lost weight last year, but gained it all back. Before we moved, I saw my doctor and had labs done. These were my best numbers. Everything seemed to under control. When I went to the doctor in April and had labs done again. Most of the numbers were good, but there were some problems. I had developed a Vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia. B-12 helps in the formation of blood and nerve cells. It also helps in the oxygenization (spelling?) of blood. I had been getting tired and weak since moving to Idaho. I thought I was just getting old. Silly me! I started getting shots of B-12. I felt better for a while, but mid year I began to feel weak and tired. I was diagnosed as iron deficient. Give me a break!!!

I was having lots of pain in my ankle and foot. I got a referal to an orthopaedist. He took an x-ray and did an MRI. I was diagnosed with Cuboid Syndrome. The cuboid bone is the small bone that attaches the heel bone to the two outside metatarsals (foot bone.) I saw a physical therapist. He has helped to get most of the mobility back into my foot and ankle. But I walk on the right side of my foot. I always have. I remember being yelled at when I was about 10 years old for walking the outside of my shoe and wearing it down. The therapist noted that the tendons that hold the cuboid bone are loose and the bone pops in and out. He recommended an orthotic device. But it wasn't much help. There are days when it hurts more than I can stand and  others when it feels okay. Fast forward a year. The pain came back ten-fold. I was sent to another foot specialist. He offered some treatments. When I went back for a recheck, I had a nasty in-grown toenail that was surgically corrected. I go back in January to rediscuss the cuboid problem. I've been on extra-strong anti-imflamatory. It helped alot.

I've been going to early morning arthritis exercises at Downata, the local hot springs pool. It's been helpful, but I really want to walk again. I can't make it around the block without falling off my shoe and having a lot of pain. I was a leader of an exercise class called "fit and fall-proof." It was specifically aimed at seniors, to help them to not fall and to be more physically fit. It irritated the foot. We stopped for Christmas and are supposed to go back in January, but I may have to stop.

I have been the Visiting Teaching Coordinator this past year. I was called to do the ward bulletin in the fall. I also did the Relief Society/Ward phone directory last year and will probably do it again this year. I enjoy doing it.

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Copyright © 1998 by Marilyn Georgeson.

Updated: 25 December 2008.

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