Barrett's Dawg House

I am Barrett. I'm now 15 years old and growing steadily. I'm about 6'1" tall and weigh over 200 pounds. Mom says I've gained some muscles and lost some weight. I'm sure it's because of my love of tennis...and food 

I am a sophomore in high school...unbelievable! I did really well in my first year of high school. Some classes were a challenge, but I made an extra effort to get good grades. I've made the academic bowl team this year. We start competing in January. I'm looking forward to it.

I love to read and spent the summer reading nonstop. My favorite books are Eragon, Eldest and Brsinger by Paolini. Another of my favorite authors is Garth Nix.. It's hard to believe that I'm the same kid who didn't like to read when I was younger. 

I love to play tennis and am getting really good at it. The pro is Pocatello thinks I could play varsity tennis in school, but my school doesn't offer tennis. He also thinks I could start playing tournaments, but I can't really afford it. Adam and I used work out  most days (but Sunday) at the local court. I got two John McEnroe racquets for Christmas last year. It's been hard with Adam's schedule to get time to play this year.

I hold the office of teacher at church. My ward is small and you can count the teachers on one hand. I'm still passing the sacrament every week. I really like my new Sunday School teacher, Milo Pabawena. He is fun. We had fun this Christmas season giving the twelve days of Christmas to local widow. We heard through the grape vine that she was looking forward to the little treats each day.



     Copyright © 1998 by Marilyn Georgeson 

    Last update: 25 December 2008. 

    Just Jane Graphics

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