Adam's House!

Hi! I'm Adam.


I have have been working in special education as an instructional aide working with autistic high schoolers. It has been an enlightening experience, and I have learned alot. I think I would like to attend college and specialize in autism. It is a growing field, and I would like to make a difference. 

I am the biggest tennis fan. As soon as I got to Idaho, I signed up with the tennis club in Pocatello. I used to go every Wednesday night and Saturday morning. I got to play in a tournament in Pocatello and placed third. When I got home from work, Barrett and I would go to the courts in town and play. Yes, we have even played in the snow. My schedule has been hectic this year. It's been hard to squeeze tennis time in.

I was the assistant coach for the Century High School tennis team for the second year. I work really well with the coach. We had an undefeated season and won the district title. Thirteen of our players were eligible to play in the state tournament. They all placed really high. We are very proud of our kids. I have high hopes for next year. Our number one player came in second in the states. He'll be back next year, and he's bringing his little brother. 

I have immersed myself in the singles branch. It is a very small group of young adults, but I've been attending family home evenings and the other activities weekly. I've been trying to make myself more "socialable" and talk with people more. I've always been the quiet one, until you get to know me. Then I'm the wild and crazy one. I am now in the Elders' Quorum Presidency. 



Copyright © 1998 by Marilyn Georgeson 

Updated: 25 December 2008. 

Just Jane Graphics

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