Longarm Machine Quilting
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Picking the right pattern for your quilt

There are many factors to consider when choosing the kind of quilting to have done on your quilt.

  • Budget
  • What the quilt will be used for
  • The kind of piecing or applique used
  • Personal preference

Allover 'Edge to edge' quilting

Utility quilts, scrap quilts, baby quilts or cuddle quilts work well with an allover quilt pattern. Usually a quilter will make many of these quilts in her life and these are the more 'budget' quilts that she produces.

Machine Basting

Perfect for the hand quilter who doesn't want to assemble the quilt sandwich herself. The quilt sandwich is sewn firmly in place with a very loose quilting grid, making it easy to remove the machine basting after you finish your own quilting. For a budget quilting job, simply request a machine basting grid done using a permanent quilting stitch rather than a basting stitch.

Custom quilting

Heirloom quilts, wedding quilts, antique reproducutions, artistic quilts or other special quilts may work best with a custom quilt design that is specifically orchestrated with the pattern on the quilt top. For example, centering a motif quilt design in the center of all the blocks with a specialized border is a good example of custom quilting. Usually a quilter will make fewer of these quilts and the extra expense to have it custom quilted rather than allover quilted is justified.

Copyright © 2002 Maria Werth
Customer service: [email protected]

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