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Notion's on Elvis Presley

This ordinary looking bird is a nightingale.
The nightingale has an astonishingly varied and pleasing repertoire mostly sung at night; particularly famed for its contralto quality with whistles and
haunting, repeated phrases.
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The Nightingale Without Wings

What made Elvis Presley, a King ?

It was the pure raw joy, with which he bared his soul.
He sang with true emotion, never arrogant or lewd.

He hung his head quite often, in humble gratitude,
 honored to sing before God, before you and me.

The method used to treat Elvis Presley's  health createdsymptoms

which guaranteed medical, 
psychological and physical 
A financial bonanza!

The self-righteous and ignorant
thrive on liable and dirt.
They voice cruel judgments
and don't care whom they hurt,
as his character endures un-established dishonor.

In the seventies Elvis was prescribed steroids,
part of a standard treatment
for blocked or twisted colons.
You retain water and can
bloat thirty pounds or more.
You sweat a lot and the pain is crushing.
You must be monitored twenty four hours a day.
(I am able to empathize emphatically, since  1970, I suffer from intestinal blockages and all that comes with the disorder and I am still alive.)

Too much, too vague, to fast.
His actions screamed for help as his symptoms unmasked, a most vulnerable man.

Elvis was then, is now and forever will be a major source of income for strangers, friends, and family.

He will always pay taxes, and earn his way.
Give him truth now, make it right, for antiquity.
If Elvis can't get justice, what chance do we have?

His actions rarely matched anything he said.
He said he was all  right, then he was dead.
Lord have mercy.

Rainbows need sunlight, as do the birds to sing.
The human nightingale, without any wings.


Elvis was blessed with gifts from the Lord,
an enchanting lush voice, and so very much more.
But above all that, was the sweetest voice of all;
the voice he saved for singing, singing to God.
The king who gave praise, and sang for the Lord.

The human rainbow what a beautiful storm.

His actions were sincere, his voice gave him away.
Elvis was a nice guy,  it was plain as day.

He broke through racial walls; race was his essence.
He spoke of this with pride and great loving presence.
Born in a shotgun shack,
he loved his neighbors white or black.
They had more in common, 
that the difference in their skin.
What kind of man would Elvis have been,
had he turned his back on his upbringing?
Imitation is the most sincere form of praise.
His voice was his lot, a gift by God's grace.
Had he buried his lot would've been the disgrace.
What else could he be but the sum of his days?

He stirred us with emotion, each smile a precious jewel.
He delighted our senses and soothed our souls.
I don't think the impersonators, see who I see.
They crudely fabricate,
the subtle  moves Elvis Presley made.
What exactly was his reality,
alone with his shadow and his memories?

They say he was protected, protected with love;
Because he was surrounded, like a hand in a glove.
They say he was in charge of his liberty, 
and he was free to be,
all he could be.
Constantly surrounded, surrounded with care,
a caged nightingale, cannot go anywhere.

Taking care of business; too much just isn't right.
Who sabotaged Elvis? Who can shed some light?
Who compelled Elvis to “try” each drug?
That's who God will punish not Elvis!

As his mothers body lay cooling
Elvis was given his first tranquilizer.
The only pure love he would ever know
died during the birth of rock and roll.
What was wrong with him trusting 
and loving his mother?
He could trust her unlike
he could trust any other.
(If you want to know a man
before you give him your life,
learn how he and his dad,
treat their mother and wife. )
He got back on his feet 
and brushed himself off,
then gave us all he could,
in the name of God.

Extremely bright but very naive; 
clean as a whistle until twenty-three.
He rescued his kin from poverty.
Always respect authority.
Tip your hat, give your chair, 
be polite and be honest.
This is how he was raised in Tennessee.
One thing for sure, he was most proud to be, 
an “In God we trust” American male.

Elvis struggled with insomnia all his life.
His mother spoke of Elvis walking in his sleep.
Later someone prescribed sleeping pills.
Today we understand how debilitating this is.
We judge each other with, the contents of our hearts.
We must go beyond judgment, to render true justice;
And before we amuse ourselves with Elvis Presley's life,
we must go beyond what and find out why.

Sequestered his whole life there's much he never knew.
Isolated from the truth he remained demure.
The United States Army passed bennies 
(speed/uppers) out to our boys like candy.
Being alert on night guard duty was mighty important.

Elvis was not cunning or assuming.
He was handsome and cool but so unsuspecting
he misplaced his whole life.

Captain Marvel Junior,
he would pretend,
never to be weak or poor, 
when he became a man;
And he would not be selfish or worship the coin.
This obscure young man would work and toil.
If Jesse Garon had lived,
would Elvis be alive?
Had he not been so alone,
would he have survived?
(Jesse Garon was Elvis Aaron's still born twin brother)

Popsicle, bananas, peanut butter too;
Pepsi, burnt bacon, cheeseburgers and stew.
Meat loaf, cornbread, southern fried food;
Sounds pretty American, pretty Canadian too.
Making fun of what he ate, does not say much for you.
Food that kept the boy alive and fed the mans soul.
Food that tasted like the past, before rock and roll.

At some elusive point, his options disappeared.
He was told we would leave him
if we knew he had fears.
His outbursts maintained pressure valves in order.
Not malicious or bad, 
not perfectly normal.
Who doesn't have a dark side?
Who's perpetually poised?
Even in death he is shamefully exploited!

Beneath the working image was a flesh,
blood and bone man

who studied theology trying to understand,
why he was who he was,
with in Gods’ plan.

Yes he lost his cool and shot a few t.v.’s,
he had his moments,
just like you and me.
Like anyone else he let off some steam.
But he was not selfish and he was not mean.
He went a little wild trying to have fun.
What's wrong with that? 
Such is youth, and it's normal.
We all go through stages and we've all played the fool.
Just shows he was human and breakable too.

Priscilla says Elvis didn't enter her
until their wedding night.
The man kept his promise to her parents.
Could he do no right?
Then he no longer desired her,
when Lisa Marie was born.
It's said he had untold affairs,
even though he loved his wife,
but swear he fathered once his entire life.
So she had affairs with this one and that.
While Elvis waited to make his come back opening the 
Las Vegas International Hotel,
Priscilla stops by to say she just left him,
wants a divorce too.

At this point she claims Elvis raped her.
The word “no” is required to constitute a rape.
Since then I have heard Priscilla gush,
“You could not say, “no” to Elvis, 
I don't care who you are.”
Priscilla had ten years to learn how things would be.
Why didn't she leave before they married?
Thirty years later and several kids mores,
why is she still, Priscilla Presley?

Eyes once filled with joy
were glazed with pain and sadness.
His heart betrayed his voice,
amongst all the madness.
Taking care of business?
Protect, surround, pretend.

Judas was his witness, his lover, his friend.
Cater to his weakness, control him, keep him high.
Cash in on his meekness.
Do it with a smile.

Malign and blame the victim, 
he can't defend himself.
Make jokes about his swollen size, 
disregard his health.

A pride filled man would not be seen 
in bloated disarray.
 With Elvis Presley's image I am truly amazed;
 If he bore the guilt of self-indulgence,
he could not have shown his swollen face.
The king of rock and roll was a sight to behold, 
body and soul,
bought and sold.
Why was he compelled, compelled to escape?
What really went on, behind those gates?

They say they tried to save Elvis
slipping him sugar capsules,
placebos and phony injections.
Who was  manipulating whom?
They, in fact could control his every reaction.
We must face his value now,
to see the callous truth.
For all he left behind,
it is the least we can do.

Why did he die trying to escape?
We alter our reality, when we are afraid!
If he was truly cared for, he would have felt safe.
How could he know what was in each pill?
He was the patient and his pain was real.

Agree to disagree with his alleged demands.
Colonel Tom Parker, 
could have arranged such a plan.
If everyone confronted him,
he would have been helpless.
What choice would he have but face himself?
They had associates, family and friends,
a life to return to, a future to plan.
To this day people still look for Elvis;
some swear he is still alive.
Where could Elvis Presley go?
Where could he hide?

Who were his friends?
Who were the spies?
All of them looked him right in the eyes.
There is just so much a body can do,
you need validation, you need to be you.
No sane man could cope,
forever unglued,
bleeding his essence like ticks do for food.

It's said Elvis read a Physicians Desk Reference
all the time.
If this is true, and he
understood what he read,
then there's no question, it was suicide!

BUT, this would voidall insurance and legal contracts.

Elvis was probably as medically ignorant
as most nonprofessionals.
The narcotic's Elvis is alleged to have abused
are drugs he could not have known about,
never mind abuse,
unless someone respectable,
licensed, trusted,
professional endorsed their use.

The same person likely gave him the
Physicians Desk Reference.
The comprehension of medical terminology
and their interactions takes years of intense schooling
Those arrogant enough to accept fees for professional services are supposed to care for and protect their patients.

Respect was a farce. Love was contrived.
It's easy to mess with anyone's mind,
when one is medically hypnotized.
The most crippling fear we all have inside,
is the fear of the unknown, 
and no place to hide.
If you saw him sing live,
then you felt his pain.
Then he never ever sang for us again.
The only time he felt free was when he was on stage.
Any message he sent could come no other way.

Taking care of business,
too much just isn't right.
If Elvis died of prescription drugs,
then someone took his life.
Alone and surrounded by envy and greed;
Undermined by trust and contrived dependency.
If he were a drooling addict like his people say,
then he was legally incapable,
of caring for himself.

If he was stoned for so many years,
he was unfit, and under duress.

How could anyone who says they cared  for  Elvis 
let him sign any thing  while on drugs?

What this in turn means is,
all legal contracts are null and void.

It takes an enterprise to run his estate,
tending every pennyElvis Presley still makes.
It's not his reputation they want to protect,
it's the dynamics that brought about his death.
His death certificate must state the truth.
Withholding records protects the shrewd.
Turn his tragic nightmare into a positive dream.

Just like a child he was as naughty as could be,
hoping someone would love him, enough to see.
His image was worth more than his life.
What a terrifying way to have to survive.

Lord he was outstanding for a man without hope,
surrounded by people who kept bringing him dope.
The Lord heard his prayers 
and released him from his cage.
This human nightingale, without any wings,
is a free soul now,
in God's choir he now sings.
This human rainbow,
left an endless pot of gold.
The stunning, coveted, 
King of Rock and Roll. ©

In order to fully appreciate what happened to 
Elvis Presley 
we must understand the OATH 
every intern must take before
they become a medical doctor of any kind 
and accept money from anyone, even
Elvis Presley!

Hippocratic Oath
I swear that  I will look upon him who shall have taught me this arteven as one of my Parents...

I will follow that method of treatment which, according to my ability and judgment, and as I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.
I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, not suggest and such counsel, and with purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my art...
Into whatever houses I enter I will go into them for the benefit of the sick II will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption...
Whatever, in connection with my professional practice, or not in connection with it, I may see or hear in the lives of wo/men which ought not t be spoken abroad, I will not divulge, counting such things to be as sacred secrets

June 8, 2000
Elvis, Elvis Presley and Graceland are registered trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc.

My information comes from the horses mouth from televised interviews, alleged biographies and auto-biographies like...


Elvis, Elvis Presley and Graceland are registered trademark.s of Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc.
Index-Home The Visit Disclaimer Elvis is Born Don't be Cruel Alive or Dead The Human Rainbow A Nightingale Without Wings Elvis Numbers 
The Drugs Medical IllustrationsHis Last 13 HoursPathology The Shazam Connection Motives Tidbits Elivs Midis Photographs Drawings Site Map
Mother Theresa Drawings A Place to visit My Mom Songs and Poems by me

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