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Notion's on Elvis Presley
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Sang by Elvis Presley
Why bother?

I am a Taurus, born the years of the Dragon 1952 We are very protective of our Capricorns, Virgos and Pices
After having read dozens of books about Elvis Presley by people who
are or claim to be experts and noticed few facts match, it is safe to
say there are too many “Discrepancies” .  To ignore them would be to slap Elvis Presley across his face..
Elvis death murder or suicide? MOTIVE is abundant.

Some things to think about: 

Claims are made that Elvis had a massive heart attack, bone cancer, lupus and a number of other maladies. Some claim he had them all. It doesn't take a genius to realize if Elvis had died of these things there would have been nothing to hide and certainly no reason to seal his autopsy results and death certificate. In fact if this were true and found to have killed Elvis, he would have been raised to the status of saint and be even more valuable today.

You don't alter or hide documents of public record unless you have something to cover-up.

Elvis may have felt like he had these things reading through his medical books. I believe with every bit of my heart he was in agony much of the time. It wouldn't have been odd for Elvis to think his doctors weren't telling him the truth. He knew they were all "yes" men. This must have been very frustrating for him because he had no way of knowing who he could "really" trust to tell him like it was.

Remember when we were kids and we wanted to annoy a friend or sibling we would repeat everything the other said and did. It's funny for a few minutes then it becomes unbearable. Just like tickling. Everything Elvis did at home was mirrored by dozens of people surrounding him everyday.
(Working on this section right now)
Area pending!
Area pending!
When did it become legal to suggest and prescribe potentially lethal drugs to anyone?
When did it become legal prescribe drugs known to be highly addictive both physically and psychologically as long term therapy?
Why did Doctor Lester Hoffman prescribe codeine #4 when Elvis is known to be allergic to codeine? Hoffman was his regular dentist.
When did it become accepted to ignore professional ethics and ask for large financial loans from a patient?
When did it become excusable to blame a patient for being so charming, so manipulative that the doctor ignores desperately needed medical intervention, even life saving surgery in favor of prescription narcotics. After all if the doctor fixed the problem he would loose control. RIGHT!!
How can the entourage claim the phony Colonel Parker was doing right by Elvis when Elvis was not only paying him a whopping 50% of his earnings but Elvis was also covering Parker's’ constant flagrant gambling debts?
Elvis signed an agreement to his disadvantage with RCA that gave them the rights to Elvis record sales. WHY?  Plus RCA had Elvis life so well insured that his death brought them out of financial bankruptcy in 1977.
Elvis backed out of a deal to use his name to franchise Racquetball courts around the country.
Elvis gave a lot of things and money away which ticked off his ex-wife who was executor of his estate. Being the mother of Elvis daughter has insured her a lifestyle she guards like it was her own.
It is a fact that Elvis was last believed to be alive when his Aunt Delta Mae passed him a packet of pills at 8:30 am August 16, 1977. 

Elvis, Elvis Presley and Graceland are registered trademark.s of Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc.
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