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Notion's on Elvis Presley
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Elvis was buried in one of his fathers suits.
You can't sell what Elvis is wearing it.

Source: Charlie Hodge -  Rolonda Show 1993
This is not a FAT man, this is a sick man in mortal need of colon surgery

Canada is the only country in the world 
Elvis sang in concert in. 

How about what Zza Zza Gabor said when they asked her what she thought after seeing Elvis for the first time in Vegas, and her words were something to the effect like 
"Diamonds are not a girls best friend anymore"
Keep Smiling :o)

Can you imagine Elvis Presley thinking his neck was too long and that is why he flipped his collar up! 

Elvis brushed his teeth with Colgate
One of the inspiration for Elvis jumpsuits and flash logo.

Poor and lame Freddie Freeman became Captian Marvel Jr.
when he said the secret word "Shazam" .

 Mary Marvel may be one of the Mary's Elvis sang to.
Whatever, Elvis must get a kick out of this.

On the front page of the Sun  "Elvis speaks from beyond the grave" while the back page declares "Elvis did not die!"


Elvis, Elvis Presley and Graceland are registered trademark.s of Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc.
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Mother Theresa Drawings A Place to visit My Mom Songs and Poems by me 

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