The Lighter Side of DBZ
Worst DBZ Media

Worst animated .GIFs - Searched the Internet going to as many DBZ web sites I could find and taking off your dumbest .gifs with out further talk here we are:

Frieza's new attack That is gross (Form SCCC)
Cell Jr. Punching Trunks Lame (Form SREDBZ)
Fat Buu That is not funny (Form DBZ Home Land)
Bebi is firing Focus! (Form DBZ Center)
Crazy Counter Is it just me or is this INCREDIBILITY ANNOYING!
More coming soon!

DBZ Movies - Face it even though the DBZ sagas are cool TV movies SUCK for the following reasons 1. Bad Plots 2. Sad Action 3. Voices that make season 3 voices look good 4. Does not agree with DBZ plot 5. Not amusing in any way.

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