(A Native American Guy....Go figure..)
  I have been making Native American Flutes for about 5 years.  Ever since I walked into a Alternative Lifestyle Shop of Wonders and saw a simple cedar flute, that wasn't even tuned properly and couldn't reach a second octave, being sold for $200.00! I am Native American and  I have been making Native American Crafts all my life and I knew I could make a better one than this pathetic example  so I went home to my shop and got busy.  5 bad flutes later I figured out the dimensions, bore diameter and singer hole (fipple) angles for a nice F# . I have been improving on them ever since.  Now days I make flutes from traditional woods like cedar, redwood and alder as well as some really pretty hardwoods like  walnut, cherry, and maple. I don't use toxic plastics or varnishes to finish my flutes . Hey!  You're gonna put this thing in your mouth eh?! .  I hand rub almond oil with essence oils of primrose, lavender, cedar, and juniper into the wood until it shines with a soft natural glow.  These essences are known to help sooth the mind . They are also very antibacterial and go a long way toward keeping you healthy.. I hand carve my own birds and other fetish blocks and shape each flute with a knife that I also made. I believe that when you focus on a thing with its intended use in mind and put lots of energy into the making of a thing, that thing absorbs some of that energy or spirit and is a little more than what it appears.  I don't charge a great deal for my work.   Except for some very special flutes my flutes range in price from $50 for a simple Redwood 5 hole to $175.00 for an exotic hardwood with a custom carved critter .
  Please E-mail me at [email protected] for more information and to order something nice!  Thank you. Lee Fugatt.
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My name really is just Lee.  I don't try to impress folks with cool sounding names like White Buffalo, Shadowwolf or Perky Weasal.  Contrary to the mistaken belief of some commercially minded folk, not every Indian has a powerful Shaman's name and the Medicine name they do have isn't for showing off in public.  Thats what our art and these flutes are for! 
You won't ever see another flute quite like this one.  Not ever.... I designed this style of Drone because I like to create not just fabricate.  There are lots of drone flutes out there and some are very fine indeed.  This one is superior to them all.  No brag. Just fact.. The prototype sold on E-Bay for in excess of $350.00 I sell 'em for $250.00 .  Very little for a lot.
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