This page is about my daughter Fionna Heather Fugatt!
I will be sharing anecdotes and photos from time to time.  As is true of children everywhere, she is precious and I will celebrate the joyful fact of her existence until I die and after.
The Universe seems to us chaotic, for we from our tiny place in it can't see much at a time. But Balance being the predeliction of the cosmos it is no great surprise that the daughter of a fat, homely, one-eyed Indian should look like this lovely child. 
Middle Aged Father

Half done by common measure
to him was bestowed a

By loneliness and need by pairs
one of love and one of wares
Long wasted power unknown
to fertile fallow field is

Life bursts forth in jubilation
expanding into the farthest reaches of his exploding world a tiny blossom of creation
is forever painful joy and hope as roots of love and a thing so powerful that a word is theft of meaning braids ropish  around his soul.....

Sweet warm times of innocent slumber
bittersweet concern/irritation.... a crying want only in gentle  arms slowly

Walking, talking, laughing , playing
exuberantly thoughtless center of her own world..
His expanding heart finds The Universe
a constriction  and must leak out from the corners of his
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OK, I know there's a cookie in there somewhere....YAWN maybe I'll jus ta......lil ZZZZZZZZZ..
Yep! I'm happy! Are you happy?
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