Knives and Things
Here are a few of my knives. I will be putting more photos in as I go along.
I made this staffsword for a mountain man friend in Idaho.  This sword is sharp and he uses it to chop firewood and cut brush. The staff is solid oak and the sword is HR5160 tool steel.  The tang goes all the way through the oak hilt section which is capped with a steel fitting.  The redhead is is my ex-wife. 
Some of my friends are druids and witches (Whatever pops your cork)  I made these Athames special for special people. I eventually stained the ash hilt of the serpentine with walnut husks and elderberry juice so it would be the traditional black.  The scabbard wasn't made yet but it is wood and matches the hilt to look like a single piece. For More Neat stuff like this Click the Pic!
Some of my Hoopa and Yurok friends catch a lot of salmon.  I made this filet knife out of spring steel from a huge saw blade out of one of our local mills. 17" long. (We have really big Salmon)
I made this little Skinner out of a planer blade from a lumber mill. 
Sometimes living alone like I do. I just get stranger than hell... I got the idea for this hurlbat when a 12" lizard crawled across the face of my throwing knife target.
OK, so I like Martial Arts weapons too.  So sue me! These cards are fun and are made of the same spring steel used in the filet knife. Those stars are too but they ain't for sale in California boys and girls cuz "It would be vehwy, vehwy wong!"
$15.                 $35.           $45
Every once in a while I make something like this just for the hell of it.  This one is for doing gun spinning type tricks and has a holster but it don't shoot nuthin'
These are some of the first knives I ever sold. Guys in my Ranger unit wanted kukhris after we cross trained with a Ghurka outfit . You can hack! You can Whack!  You can make julienne fries!
I made this for skinning Ostriches and Emus.(thats right!) but it works really well at chopping carrots and dicing onions!
These are the throwing knives I make the most of.  Nobody liked the rawhide wrap on the Ugly Knife  (although I thought it looked like, so cool!) so now I use thick veggie tanned leather and 3 rivets. I make the Picker in this 10" model and in a 12" version for competition. "Wahos'i" is a Lakota word.  It means Messenger.  You really wanna be the one 'sending' that kind of message and not the one recieving it!
Ugly Knives without scales $30.00
I made this fighting knife out of a piece of chainsaw bar with micarta slabs.  It isnt all bubbly.  Thats the photo!
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