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**You need to know these 4 simple facts!**

1. God created this world perfect and created you to have a relationship with Him.

When God created the world, he created a paradise. Imagine for a moment what heaven is like - no pain, fear, or death - constant joy, love, and happiness. That is what the world was like when God first created it. Why did he create us, the world, and everything in it? Well, God is love, and he wanted to create someone to share that love with - someone he could love and they could love him back. So he first created the world and got everything ready for the "grand" creation - man.

When God created man he gave them free will. That means that man had been given the choice to either love God...or not. God could have denied us that free will, but then we would be like robots - never being given even an opportunity to do otherwise. That's not the true love that God desired. He did not want to force us to love him. And for a while, the first man and women walked with God in perfect harmony. Untill...

2. Man messed up and can no longer have that relationship

You all know the story...Satan comes in the form of a snake and tempts Eve. Eve gives into that temptation and gives the fruit also to her husband, Adam. All is lost when God drives them out of the garden. Why did God react the way he did? God is Holy - meaning he is without blemish and completely clean. He cannot allow sin into his presence. Sin is like a barrier, and it separates us from God. But this is not the way God wants it! He will do anything and everything to restore fellowship!

3. God still loves you and made a way to restore that fellowship. God offers this as a free gift!

You probably know by now that Jesus died on the cross, especially if you live in America. However, did you know that he died on the cross to pay for our sins? When he died on that cross, he took upon himself all the sins that anyone has ever committed and the sins that anyone will ever commit. Remember that barrier that I spoke about earlier? Well, it was transferred to Christ at that very moment. All of Gods wrath for the sins of the world was on Jesus. Why could he do this? Because Jesus was both man and God at the same time, he was able to live a completely faultless life! So he was the only one in the entire history of the universe (both past and future) that would have lived a sinless life here on earth. He was the only one who didn't already deserve to die, so he was the only one who could pay for our sins!

4. YOU can have this free gift - all you have to do is accept it!

He offers this gift to you and me...for free! Salvation doesn't depend on what good things you've done - He loved you enough to die for you before you even knew who he was! You can come to him exactly the way you are and receive not only forgiveness, but healing as well. He longs to have you in his life! He is knocking on your heart intently! Won't you answer?

If you want to give your life to God right now, click here. This is the best decision anyone can ever make. It pulls away the barrier that is between you and God, allowing a free and open relationship. It doesn't guarantee your life will be problem free, but God does promise that he will be with you whatever you are going through and help you through it. Best of all, you get to spend eternity with God when you die!

If you want to know more about God before you make your decision, there is a page for that as well. But remember, you may not have all the time in the world to wait, so don't put off your decision! Click here to learn more about God.

If you already said that prayer and asked Jesus into your heart, click here to find out what you should do now!


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