This is an exhaustive list of adventures that Brant has graced with his presence. Well, he doesn't really grace anything, his instructors aren't even sure if he knows what grace means. Oh well. This here is what damage he has managed to do since the elders saw fit to release Brant upon the world.

1. Lich Hunt
2. Anduri's Wandering Conundrum
3. When the Maul Falls
4. Revenge is Harder than Stone
5. Monster Mash
6. To Protect and Serve
7. Rage
8. Heros of the Guild
9. A Little Knowledge
10. To Boldly Go
11. To Boldly Go Again
12. In These Days
13. A Life and Death Struggle
14. Natural Order
15. The Lacquered Chest
16. The Rock
17. Grand Mason Salt & Stone
18. For Sale
19. Scaled
20. Dog Days of Summer
21. I'm your Bane
22. Beautification Day

Last Updated 05/01/2000

Loremaster Brevan Underwood



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