Recent issue reviews, series summary and grade, and Character Bios


ISSUE 151:  C+
No one knows why, but the entire city is going crazy!  Kyle helps the citys law inforcement officers try to contain the madness.  At the end of the issue, Kyle begins to fight green monsters.  When he traces them back to thier source, he finds Jade.  This issue is OK, not alot of cool action, but the next issue will be good it looks like.  I reccomend at least skimming this one over so that you know what is going on.

ISSUE 150:  B+

Kyle meets up with Hal at the beginning of this issue while watching events of the past GL's unfold.  Kyle is trying to make a decisiom on whether to change events from the past.  After talking with Hal and meeting with his father, Kyle decides to make a change.  Kyle reignites the Main Battery and makes some changes to his ring before he gives up the Ion powers. At the end of the issue, Kyle changes his Green Lantern Costume to a much cooler Black and Green design.  This issue has major impacts on the GL world and is definetely worth picking up.

An advanced alien race has bestowed a powerful weapon to artist Kyle Rayner.  He is the Green Lantern.  With his ring of power, Kyle protects the earth from great threats using his creative mind to create almost anything to combat the forces of evil.  I am still a new reader of GL, so until I catch up on it, the information is kinda sketchy.

Kyle is a great GL, but I love Hal.  That is pretty much the only reason it got a B.  Reguardless of who you like as GL, it is a great series with alot of History; definately worth picking up.

I am still a new reader, it you can add anything to this please e-mail me

Kyle Rayner
The Current Green Lantern.  Kyle, unlike his predecessors, Kyle had no formal training with his ring.  Kyle's creativity has filled in for the lack of training.  Kyle lives with Jade, the daughter of the original Green Lantern Alan Scott.
Currently, Kyle is in the posession of the powers of Ion.  These powers give him almost limitless power and strength.

Jade is the green-skinned daughter of Alan Scott.  Jade has GL type powers, but doesn't wear a ring.  Jade currently lives with Kyle.

Hal Jordan/The Spectre
Hal was Kyle's predecessor.  Hal went insane after seeing his home town of Coast City demolished by an alien named Mongul.  Hal became the time altering villian, Parallax, and saught to right all the wrongs that had been commited throughout time.  Parallax was stopped by the heroes of the DC Universe.  Hal went back to his heroic ways a short time later, sacrificing his own life to reignigte earths dying sun.  When in Limbo, Hal's soul has been given the opportunity to right the wrongs that he commited, and he assumed the role of the Spectre.  Hal drops in every once in a while to chat with Kyle.
Interesting Fact:  While Hal was GL, his ring would not work on anything that was yellow.

Alan Scott/Sentinel
Alan Scott was the original Green Lantern.  Alan has his own ring, and now goes by the name Sentinel.  He is the father of Jade and a member of the Justice Society of America (JSA)
Interesting fact:  Alan Scott has a weakness to wooden objects.



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