This is a collection of reports and pictures of the club's activites, from our booth at Fall Fiesta and Spring Fling to taking part in Anime conventions, viewings, and any general gathering that we feel is worth taking note of.
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Lee College
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"Wizards not included. Some assembly required."
September 10, 2004
The Anime Club attended the premiere of Resident Evil: Apocalypse. It was an evening showing, so we had some time to mingle before the event began. There was much craziness caused by David and his Super Mario flying impression. We also got to meet Daniel and his girlfriend for the first time. Both Meagan and David provided a great deal of comedy relief before the movie, although there is some debate on whether it was intentional or not.

The movie itself was great and all those who attended enjoyed it. There was much blood, gore, and killing of the zombie hordes. Oh and psychic powers. Psychic powers are always great. All in all, it was a great way to start off the semester.
October 6, 2004
Fall Fiesta. AKA The Doom of Man. Or, at the very least, the Doom of the SGA had it not been for the handsome, quick witted, and resourceful Anime Club President. Using his endless powers of organization, Chad filled in for the absent SGA publicist who was responsible for the organizing of Fall Fiesta. With the help of other club members, the tables were set up and positions assigned to the various clubs, along with electricity handed out for those who needed it. Of course, as a result of his benovlent assistance, the Anime Club was given a premium spot for their set up.
Above: President Chad Brumfield brandishes the Anime Club sign, ready to battle the hordes of Fall Fiesta folk.
Left: Dustin Thomas stands next to the Anime Club sign near the club's table.
Below, Left to Right: David Ramirez, Daniel Grimes, and Joe Goulder sign up some new Anime Club members and sell popcorn. On the televisions in the fore and background, Anime plays for all to see and enjoy.
Left: Daniel and Joe work the popcorn booth, as Joe screams out for people to come buy the popcorn.
Below: A Fall Fiesta patron gets her child's portrait drawn by Daniel for a small fee. Daniel provided many pictures for sale, including anime and charictitures.
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