America, My Beautiful
Her hair of flax and soybean and cornhusk dancing
past tractors that spew their philosophy
into the air and anyone still stupid
enough to live the farm life
that all suburbanities secretly yearn for if only
you could do it without missing Springer
and your tee time at the club.

if i shit in a glass and plopped a rosary in afterwards
i could sell it in New York as art
and be famous all over for my daring
new approach for about 10 seconds
and then a plane will crash
and flags will wave and "The Star Spangled Banner"
will be sung and people will smile slightly
as they remember that song is about war
and forget that they are petitioning Congress
to have the official song changed to a less violent
more uplifting one.

And i'll work for a newspaper opinion column
and have to spew half assed answers to questions
about place settings and 50 ways to use a dryer sheet
then spout humor columns for the inane
masses who read at a 3rd grade level
so i'll write fuck 8,000 times just for effect
it's art i'll say so it should be published
'cause of the Freedom of the Press and Speech and homemade apple pie
and it doesn't matter who i offend
so that's my column for this week 'cause i hate it here.

And somewhere someone is reading this and saying
"right on, that's exactly how i feel too"
and they'll walk into the grocery store
and grab some Mac & Cheese and a six pack
and pay the lady in the little apron
who is bored senseless
earning a wage just enough to remind her she's poor
and that someone will spot a magazine on the rack that reads
"All signs point to the End of the World"
"Exclusive pictures inside!"
and they'll think "right on, that's exactly how i feel too"

And the kid who's got more money than god
and parents who think that's all it takes to be happy
goes out to a gun show
where they don't do background checks and buys one
and the next day blows off the top of six kid's heads
before he kills himself
and the police find the note
"They were right, money did make me happy."
and the parents will blame video games and music and movies
so long as it's not their fault
that they were bad parents

America, my Beautiful America
Full of the tired, the wretched, the poor huddled masses
that shoot each other in the street
and turn a blind eye to their own suffering
My Beautiful America.
What have i done to you.

-Lindsey Bard
March 4,2002
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