Nuestros perros
Our dogs


Este era Tip , en la foto jugando con un potrillo...This was Tip, in the picture playing with a foal...


Hace mas de 40 aņos que tenemos cria de Border Collies. Actualmente tenemos once perros : Paco (el mas viejo), Ninja, Cun, Jack, Lila, Piita, Pepa, Nina, y tres cachorros de un aņo : Tupac, Ruperto y Rufino.
En nuestra familia siempre se habia criado esta raza, son realmente muy inteligentes -entienden todo-, compaņeros, muy obedientes, cariņosos y muy utiles para trabajar en el campo. (Sobre todo con ovejas o hacienda, con los caballos es increible como aprenden a no molestarlos). Tambien son muy buenos con los chicos y los acompaņan y cuidan.
Los primeros que tuvimos fueron Tip (colorado) y Morita (negra). A lo largo de los aņos hemos ido agregando nuevos reproductores machos de otras lineas de sangre (Paco, Jack, etc ). Por aņo nacen mas de 20 cachorros (generalmente hay unas tres perras en produccion), normalmente los regalamos a todos...en la zona que vivimos se ven Border Collies por todos lados...

We have been breeding Border Collies for more than 40 years. Actually we have eleven dogs: Paco (the older), Ninja, Cun, Jack, Lila, Piita, Pepa, Nina and three young dogs of one year old: Tupac, Ruperto and Rufino.
They are really very intelligent -they understand all-, very friendly, obedient, affable and very useful to work at the farm. (Specially with sheep and cattle, with the horses they learn not to bother them). They are also very good for kids, they always follow them and take care of them.
The first dogs we had were Tip (red coloured) and Morita (black). Along this years we have been adding new males from different blood lines (Paco, Jack,etc). Each year they are born more than 20 puppies (generally there are three females in production), usually we gave them the zone that we live you can see Border Collies everywhere...

Estos son Lila y Ninja - This are Lila and Ninja






Ninja, Pepa, Jack & Piita

Nina, cuando era cachorra - Nina as a puppie

Chicos y cachorros de Pepa y Piita - Kids and Pepa and Piita's puppies.

Esta era Mara (murio en el 2000) - This was Mara (died in 2000)

Paco,Nina,Piita,Pepa,Jack,Tupac and Rufino


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