"Doggonit, Katie Bell. Would you hurry up? They’re going to be awake soon," Millie fussed.

"I’m going as fast as I can; don’t get your knickers in a twist," Katie Belle’s voice came out in a sing song voice as she put the finishing touches on the breakfast cart.

"My knickers are NOT in a twist. It’s just that everything has went right so far, and we are this close," she held up her fingers, "to being release from this place. I don’t know about you, but after sixty years I am ready to move on."

Katie Belle floated over and patted her friend’s translucent shoulder. "I know, Sweety. I am, too." Looking uncertain, she glanced down for a moment before continuing. "It’s just...well, promise you forget me. I mean, just in case we don’t end up together."

The older ghost wrapped her arms around the younger. "Oh, Honey. Even when this is all over, nothing is gonna separate us. I promise, you’re always gonna be stuck with me. Think you can handle it?"

"I don’t think I’d want it any other way, Millie. Now, enough mushy stuff. We’d better get this tray upstairs. They’ll be awake any minute!"

Millie just looked up at the ceiling, praying for patience.

Harm woke to sunlight on his face, and a warm body pressed up against his side, her arm thrown across his chest. He couldn’t help it, he smiled. Life was good. A very long night of lovemaking had convinced him that he hadn’t truly been living until he’d been with the woman he loved.

His fingers lightly skimmed up and down the smooth skin of her back. In sleep she shivered, burrowing closer to him. He could already feel his body’s reaction to her, just her nearness causing his whole being to tighten in awareness.

As if sensing that he was awake, she pried one eye open, gaging the situation. Not that there could be any doubt about how he felt about her after last night, but she still wanted to get a feel for things, just in case.

The minute she looked up into those brilliant blue eyes, she knew that everything was just fine.

"Morning," she whispered.

"Morning, beautiful." He caressed her cheek.

She glanced over at the window. "Looks like the rain has stopped. Guess we should get going here soon."

"What? You don’t want to spend the morning here in bed with me? Or share what’s on that tray over there?" he asked, hoping to stall for just a few more moments with her.

Sitting up she looked at the breakfast tray next to the bed. "Now where did that come from?"

"I have no idea. But I’m not about to look a gift horse in the mouth," he replied, pulling a plump strawberry off a platter, before bringing it to her lips.

Making sure she had his full attention she bit into the juicy fruit, chewing leisurely before licking her lips in appreciation.

Harm groaned.

Encouraged by his reaction, Mac straddled his waist then leaned over to pick up a piece of pineapple. She rubbed it over his lips before popping it into his mouth. As soon as he was finished chewing she kissed him, savoring the flavor on his lips.

"Mmmm..." he moaned into her mouth, his arms wrapping around her. "All of a sudden I’m hungry, but not for food."

Breathless, she replied, "Oh, really? And just what are you hungry for?"

Flipping her onto her back, he kissed his way down her body. At the juncture of her thighs he looked up at her from underneath his lashes and growled. "You."

It was some time later before they gathered their things and walked out the front door. They walked hand in hand out to the car, and he opened the door for her, waiting for her to get in and get settled before giving her a kiss. He lingered for a moment then forced himself to pull away. With only a smile he withdrew and shut the door before walking around to his side of the car.

Getting in behind the wheel, Harm reached for the ignition to start the car when Mac asked, "So, how did you pull all of this off, Harm?"

Stunned by the question, Harm wasn’t quite sure how to answer. Finally he settled on the obvious. "What do you mean, Mac?"

"Come on, Harm. Admit it, you planned all of this. Not that I’m complaining at all, I’d just like to know what kind of strings you had to pull to get a "haunted house" with all of the trappings, just for a seduction."

"Mac, I admit that I had planned to highjack you and drag you off somewhere last night. But...it wasn’t here. I had a reservation at a bed and breakfast all lined out. But we...uh...kind of got lost." He looked at her sheepishly.

Mac gaped like a fish. "So...so you’re saying that we...spent the night in..." Mac turned to look out the window at the old house and gasped. "Oh my god!"

Before Harm could even question her she was out of the car. Not knowing what had upset her, he followed her out. "Mac, what are you..." The words died in his throat.

For standing before them was the shell of what had once been a grand house, boarded up and dilapidated.

And suddenly, ghostly laughter could be heard in the wind...

The End... Muwahahahah!

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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