The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
Database: Location: Building
13 BE | Coruscant 08
   Jedi Council spire
   Jedi Temple, Coruscant
   Jedi Order
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
The Jedi Council set was raised on platforms to allow the puppeteers room to control some of the Jedi Masters
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[I must speak with the Jedi Council immediately. The situation has become much more complicated]
Jedi Council forums
Jedi Temple gallery
Sitting atop the Jedi Temple was the High Council
chamber, where the most senior Jedi of the Order
convened to hear and discuss the most important
matters in the galaxy.

    The Jedi High Council chamber was just one of five
spires which capped the Temple, though the members
of the High Council were known as the most august
council in the Order. The twelve Jedi who sat on the
High Council were seen as the leaders of the Jedi
Order, though they maintained there were no true
leaders. However, Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu 
were the nearest the Order came to leaders, and were often consulted by the Chancellor of the Republic himself.

    The Council chamber was designed, like the rest of the Temple, to provoke contemplation on the problems and issues the Council were faced with. The breath-taking view of Coruscant seen by the Council reminded them of their service to the Republic, and how their actions would affect its citizens. However, over time the Council found it more and more difficult to serve the Republic with the Order's numbers dimishing. During the Clone Wars, many Council members were killed, and the Council felt worn and hollow. It was a symbol of the fall of the Jedi, but by then, even the Council could not intervene in the fate of the Jedi.
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