The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you]
Database: Character: New Jedi Order
19 AE | Luke 02
   19 (19 AE)
   Blaster rifle
   X-34 landspeeder
   T-16 skyhopper
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
Played by:
    Mark Hamill

Loo-k Sky-walk-ur
Just Luke
The Mark Hamill fanclub
Luke had always wanted to join the Imperial Academy,
like his friend Biggs Darklighter. Just like his father
before him, Luke wanted to become a great pilot.
However, events would soon occur in Luke's life that
would change his views on the Empire forever.

    The change began when Owen purchased two
droids from Jawa traders and told Luke to clean them
both up. While working on the astromech, R2-D2, Luke
happened upon a message from a beautiful princess
to someone called Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke wondered
if the princess meant old Ben, but he didn't have time
to delve further, as he was called away. When he
returned, Artoo had fled to find Kenobi. In the morning, Luke and Artoo's companion, C-3PO, set out after the wayward droid, and soon found both him and Obi-Wan. Kenobi revealed he was, in fact, Ben Kenobi, and watched the princess's message. He asked Luke to help him deliver Artoo to Alderaan, but Luke knew his uncle wouldn't let him. However, upon his return to the homestead, Luke found the Empire had been looking for the droids - and had burned the homestead, and his aunt and uncle, to the ground.

    With nothing left for him on Tatooine, Luke decided to come with Ben to Alderaan. They hired a pilot named Han Solo in Mos Eisley, and headed for the Alderaan system. However, when they arrived, Luke and the others were in for a surprise. Alderaan was gone; destroyed by the Death Star. Solo's ship, the
Millennium Falcon, was captured by the Imperial battle station, though Luke and Han managed to steal two stormtrooper uniforms and get their group to a control center. From there, Ben learned how to disable the tractor beam holding the Falcon, and set off alone. Luke then learned the princess was being held in the station, and persuaded Han to help rescue her. Though Luke freed the princess, not everything went to plan. They reached the Falcon after a harrowing chase through the Death Star, just in time to see Ben locked in mortal combat with Darth Vader. In order for Luke to escape, Ben sacrificed himself. The Falcon blasted away from the Death Star, headed for the Rebel base on Yavin IV.

    Though Luke was upset by Ben's death, he knew his piloting skills were needed: the rebels were planning an attack on the Death Star before it could destroy Yavin IV. After a tense farewell with Han - and a reunion with Biggs, who promised to hear Luke's dramatic story when they both returned from the battle - Luke headed off in an X-wing starfighter with Artoo to face the Death Star. Flying as Red 5, Luke fought TIE fighters over the surface of the station, but was soon called upon for a greater challenge. He was needed to attempt the run on the unprotected exhaust port which was the key to the Death Star's destruction. He flew down the trench with Biggs and Wedge Antilles as his wingmen, and with Darth Vader in hot pursuit.

    Wedge's ship was damaged, forcing Antilles to abort the run. Then, suddenly, Biggs was destroyed by Vader. Luke desperately tried to gain more speed, but Vader was catching up. He he heard the voice of Ben Kenobi, telling him to switch off his targeting computer and rely on the Force. Luke did, though it didn't look as if he would have a chance to fire on the target. Just then, one of Vader's wingmen was destroyed...and the
Millennium Falcon appeared as if from nowhere, blasting the second TIE fighter into Vader's ship. With his pursuers out of the way, Luke was free to fire his torpedoes into the exhaust port. The pilots returned to Yavin IV as the Death Star exploded. Thanks to his faith in Ben - and the Force - Luke returned as a hero.
Luke's surname was originally Starkiller, and wasn't changed until late in production
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