A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[You've failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me]
Database: Character: New Jedi Order
23 AE | Luke 06
   Rebel Commander
   Jedi Knight
   23 (23 AE)
   Rebel Alliance
   Blaster pistol
   T-65 X-wing starfighter
Played by:
    Mark Hamill

Loo-k Sky-walk-ur
Just Luke
The Mark Hamill fanclub
Boba Fett had been located on Tatooine, meaning the
frozen body of Han Solo was now in Jabba's palace.
Luke devised a plan to free Han through a simple
bargain with the Hut...though he also had backups in
case the negotiations went awry.

    Lando Calrissian infiltrated the palace as a guard
shortly before R2-D2 and C-3PO arrived, carrying a
message from Luke. He asked to bargain for Han's
life, and offered the droids as a gift. Jabba was having
none of it, though he kept the droids. Leia tried to free
Han next, and though she got Han out of his carbonite
prison, she was captured and became Jabba's slave. Finally, Luke Skywalker arrived at Jabba's palace in person. Clad in a black hooded cloak, Luke again attempted to negotiate. He soon realized it was getting him nowhere, so he tried to threaten Jabba with a stolen blaster. He ended up in the rancor pit, with Jabba's jeering minions above him. Using his Jedi skills - and perhaps a little blind luck - Luke crushed the rancor under the cave door. Furious, Jabba sentanced Luke and his friends to death in the Pit of Carkoon.

    Luke, Han and Chewie were taken to the Dune Sea as prisoners, while Leia and the droids travelled in Jabba's sail barge. Luke would be thrown to the Sarlacc first...or so Jabba thought. Though Luke hadn't brought his lightsaber with him to the palace, he had not been naive enough to know he wouldn't need it. He signalled to Artoo just before he was pushed towards the pit. Using his Jedi abilities, Luke bounced back onto the skiff and grabbed his lightsaber, thrown to him by Artoo. He battled his way thorugh Jabba's men, and made his way to the sail barge itself, to take out the gunners firing at the skiff. Upon reaching the barge, he told Leia - who had strangled Jabba with her slave's chain - to fire the deck gun at the barge. They both swung back onto the skiff as Jabba's sail barge exploded.

    Han thanked Luke for rescuing him, and Leia asked him to hurry back to the Alliance. Luke promised he would, but he had another promise to keep first. He returned to Dagobah, only to find Master Yoda was dying. He confirmed that Darth Vader was Luke's father, but did not agree with Luke when he thought of himself as a Jedi. He still had one more task to complete his trials: he had to face Vader again. Yoda's last words came as a surprise to Luke: "There is another Skywalker." He asked the spectral form of Ben Kenobi what Yoda meant. The Jedi Knight told Luke he had a sister, who had been seperated from Luke when they were born. Luke's insight told him who his sister really was.

    Leia and the others were preparing for an attack on the second Death Star when Luke returned. He volunteered to help, and travelled with his friends to the Endor moon. There, he got into a daring speeder bike chase through the forests of the Sanctuary Moon, though he and his friends were later captured by Ewoks. They saw C-3PO as a god, and were planning to create a feast out of Han and the others in his honour. Luke used the Force to display Threepio's godly powers, making the Ewoks reconsider their plans. They allowed the Rebels to join their tribe, and agreed to help them in their mission.

    The mission was not one Luke could be part of. He still had to face Vader. He explained this to Leia, then revealed Vader was his father. Leia looked horrified, making the next part even more difficult for Luke. He told Leia the Force was strong in his family: with him, with his father and his sister. Leia knew he was talking about her; somehow, she'd always known. Luke left, and allowed himself to be captured and brought before Vader. He attempted to bring him back to the light side, but Vader told him he had to obey his master. Luke was taken before the Emperor.

    Palpatine tried to turn Luke just as Luke had tried to turn his father, though Luke resisted. However, the Emperor's goading finally got to him, and Luke attacked the evil dictator. Vader defended his master, and a duel ensued. Luke couldn't bring himself to kill his father, and hid in the shadows rather than confront Vader. The Dark Lord was able to probe his thoughts however, and learned through Luke that he had a daughter. Vader goaded Luke too, telling him he had betrayed Leia. The final straw snapped when Vader told Luke if he would not join the dark side, perhaps his sister would. Luke's compassion for his friends turned to hate for his father, and Luke attacked Vader with all of his might. Vader was beaten back by the onslaught, and his right hand was severed by Skywalker's blade. It was then that Luke realized just how close he had come to the dark side...and how close he had come to becoming his father.

    He threw his lightsaber to the ground, and stood defiant against the Emperor, informing him he was a Jedi, like Anakin before him. The Emperor knew he could not turn Luke. Instead, he tried to kill him. Force lightining tore into Luke's body, draining his energy. Luke called to his father for help, but Vader appeared not to notice. Suddenly, just as Luke was preparing to die, the attack stopped. He looked up, and saw Anakin Skywalker throwing Palpatine to his death in the Death Star's reactor shaft. Anakin tried to follow his master into oblivion, but Luke dragged him back from the abyss.

    Anakin was dying, and asked Luke to take his mask off, so he could look upon his son with his own eyes. With his last breaths, Anakin told Luke he had been right about the light side still buried within Vader, and asked him to tell his sister. Anakin passed away, and Luke fled the Death Star with his body. While the Alliance celebrated their victory in the Battle of Endor, Luke lit a funeral pyre for his father, and watched as Vader's armour burned in the fire. He later saw the spirits of Ben, Yoda and Anakin smiling at him, before Luke rejoined the celebrations with his friends.
Luke's costume was designed to be 'very Vaderish' to show his struggle with the dark side
Main | Life on Tatooine - A New Hope - Rebel Hero - Revelation - Jedi Knight - Destiny - First of the New - Master Skywalker
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