A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[The Force is strong with this one...]
Database: Character: New Jedi Order
19 AE | Luke 01
   19 (19 AE)
   Blaster rifle
   X-34 landspeeder
   T-16 skyhopper
Luke Skywalker was destined to be special. As the
son of Anakin and Padm� Skywalker, Luke had
already inherited the power of the Force from this
father. And from his mother, Luke knew that once,
Anakin had been a good man, and still light resided
within him...

    Luke was born in a time of crisis. The Empire had
risen, and the Jedi were being hunted down. Anakin
Skywalker had turned to the dark side, and was now
the Emperor's servant. His old master, Ben Kenobi,
knew Luke and his sister would be in danger if the
Empire found them - as once matured, Luke would
pose a threat to the Emperor himself. Padm� allowed
Ben to take Luke to Tatooine while she fled to Alderaan. Ben entrusted Luke into the care of Owen Lars, Anakin's step-brother. Ben hoped Anakin would not return to Tatooine after the pain his mother's death had caused him while there. Ben became a hermit, living out in the Jundland Wastes, waiting until Luke could follow in his father's footsteps and become a Jedi.

    Owen had been reluctant to take Luke in; he didn't want anything to do with the Jedi, but his wife Beru persuaded him to adopt the young boy. Luke grew up as a farmer on his step-uncle's moisture farm, though he was not content with his lot. Luke dreamed of adventure - a dangerous trait in a future Jedi - and would often leave his duties to hook up with his friends in nearby Anchorhead. Luke had inherited his father's piloting skills, and often raced skyhoppers through Beggar's Canyon. During a race against Fixer, Luke proved his skill as a pilot by 'threading the needle' - or flying through an infamous rock formation known as the Stone Needle. He was perhaps aided subconsciously by the Force, though at that time, Luke knew nothing of his powers.

    On another occasion, Luke was not so lucky. He crashed his skyhopper during a race, and would have ended up as a krayt dragon's meal were it not for Ben Kenobi. The old hermit rescued Luke and brought him back to the moisture farm. However, Owen was not grateful; he shooed the ex-Jedi away at blaster-point, and warned Luke not to go near him again. Owen didn't want Luke to go the same way as Anakin had.
As a child, George Lucas's nickname was 'Luke.' He later used the name for his hero in Star Wars
Played by:
    Mark Hamill

Loo-k Sky-walk-ur
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