A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
Database: Character: Jedi Order
3 BE | Anakin 04
   Jedi apprentice
   20 (3 BE)
   Jedi Order
   Lightsaber (blue blade)
   Hotrod speeder
Main | A Slave's Life - Destiny Awaits - Jedi Apprentice - Forbidden Love - Jedi Warrior - Dark Father | Darth Vader
Though it looks as if Anakin is casting a shadow of Darth Vader just before he goes to find his mother, the image was unintentional
Played by:
    Jake Lloyd (I)
   Hayden Christansen (II, III)
   Sebastian Shaw (VI)

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[I forsee you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi]
Anakin's disturbing dreams continued, but the young
Jedi had other concerns on his mind. Namely Senator
Amidala, who had been the subject of an assassination
attempt on Coruscant. Anakin and Obi-Wan were
assigned to protect her, and Anakin was overjoyed that
he would be meeting Padm� again. However, she
hardly recognised him, and referred to him as 'that little
boy from Tatooine'. This hurt Anakin, but he was still
determined to protect Padm�. He had developed strong
feelings for her in the ten years they had been apart -
and he wanted to know if she felt the same.

    There was little time for such personal inquiries, as
another assassination attempt was made. As Obi-Wan
clung onto an assassin droid as it sped through the skylanes of Coruscant, Anakin rushed out to locate an airspeeder to give chase. He managed to catch Obi-Wan in the hotrod he had 'aquired', and the two started a perilous pursuit of the assassin through Coruscant. Anakin's piloting skill, coupled with a bit of luck, cornered the assassin in a nightclub. A deft sweep of Obi-Wan's lightsaber rendered the assassin armless - in both senses of the word - but a toxic dart from a mysterious rocket-man silenced her for good.

    For the first time, Anakin was given a mission on his own, as Obi-Wan set out to track down the assassin's killer, whom he believed was the bounty hunter she had mentioned in her final breaths. Padm� still needed protecting, so Anakin was to be her bodyguard as she returned to the safety of Naboo. While on the beautiful planet, Anakin found out Padm� did have feelings for him but she was not prepared to sacrifice her career - and his life as a Jedi - for their love. Before anything else could come of it, however, Anakin's nightmares got worse, and he knew his mother was in pain. He and Padm� travelled to Tatooine, and found that Shmi had been freed from Watto when she married a moisture farmer. Bad news awaited Anakin upon his arrival at Cliegg Lars' moisture farm, as Shmi had been captured by Tusken Raiders. Angered, Anakin raced off to find her...but he was too late. She died in his arms.

    Then, the darkness that had been growing inside Anakin spilled out as he slaughtered the Tuskens who had captured his mother - and then he killed their wives, their children and everyone else in the camp. Anakin returned with his mothers body to the homestead, where a small funeral was held. Anakin vowed never to be so helpless again.

    A message from Obi-Wan brought Anakin and Padm� to Geonosis, along with C-3PO and R2-D2. Obi-Wan had been captured by Count Dooku, and Padm� had set off to rescue him, forcing the reluctant Anakin - who was still disturbed by his actions at the Tusken camp - to go with her in order to carry out his assignment as her bodyguard. However, after a tussle in one of the planet's droid factories, they too were captured, and sentanced for execution. In a move that surprised Anakin, Padm� confessed her love for him as they were wheeled out to their deaths. Though their forbidden love would destroy their lives, they were about to be destroyed anyway, as Padm� explained. However, their fate was not yet sealed. The Jedi and Padm� managed to fend off the three beasts that had been let loose in the execution arena, and a timely intervention by Mace Windu saved them. Soon, Mace's Jedi team was under attack from Confederate droids, and Anakin and Padm� were forced to fight for their lives again. They battled side-by-side, but sheer numbers drove them back.

    The tables turned again when the Army of the Republic stormed Geonosis, and the survivors of the arena escaped. However, the war was only just beginning. Obi-Wan spotted Dooku, and gave chase. Padm� was seperated from Obi-Wan and Anakin on the way, but Kenobi forced Anakin to focus on the mission, not his personal feelings. They challenged Dooku, but Anakin's recklessness put him out of the fight straightaway. He later duelled Dooku when Obi-Wan was injured by the master swordsman, but a swift cut from Dooku's lightsaber cost Anakin his right arm. Fortunately, Yoda saved them, though Dooku fled. Anakin and Padm� were reunited, and married on Naboo shortly afterwards. There, they shared a moment of peace before Anakin was called to fight in the Clone Wars.
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