
Stars mean PC. If it lacks a star, it is considered an NPC location. Included in this list as well are the locations of the main crafthalls, this list of locations is strictly for RP use. We have no intention of opening up any new weyrs for quite some time if ever. Please read the Rules as to which locations are forbidden to be from or RPed by Anne herself. Those wishing to open one of the holds beholden to Ksatria Weyr, please contact the BOD for permission. They requests will be be strictly reviewed depending on the current membership of the club. We reserve the right to deny permission to open a new hold or weyr. If you will be creating a website for the hold we have given you permission to open, you must apply for approval for the site through Kitchen Table Bulletin Board's Fan Links Pending Approval Forum at Anne McCaffrey's Official Website. Thank you.

Fort Weyr
Fort Hold [Harper/HealerCraft]
Ruatha Hold (abandoned)
Southern Boll Hold [WeaverCraft]

Benden Weyr (destroyed)
Benden Hold [VintnerCraft]
Lemos Hold [WoodCraft]
Bitra Hold
Half-Circle Sea Hold

High Reaches Weyr
High Reaches Hold
Nabol Hold
Greenfields Hold
Tillek Hold [FisherCraft]
Balen Hold

Igen Weyr
Igen Hold [TannerCraft]
Keroon Hold [BeastCraft]
Big Bay Hold
Katz Field Hold

Ista Weyr
Ista Hold
Nerat Hold [FarmCraft]
GreyStones Hold

Telgar Weyr
Telgar Hold [SmithCraft]
Crom Hold [MineCraft]

Ksatria Weyr*
Brahmana Hold [Artist/TheatreCraft]
Wesia Hold [Baker/BeastHealerCraft]
Sudra Sea Hold [DolphinCraft]

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