Frequently Asked Questions

1) Can I have a fertile goldrider?

No, sadly you may not, we already have two mature golds and are only alloting for one more spot for a junior weyrwoman by Impression only, but there are chances to Impress. Just keep checking the Hatching Sands.

2) May I have an infertile gold?

If you can give us a good reason why she is infertile, and a reason why she wants to be at Ksatria, I don't see why not. Of course this is going to be a very rare occurance so the reason is going to have to be incredible. You'd also need to maintain a good activity level in the club.

3) Why can't I have a white dragon like Ruth?

Because Anne says so, and we don't want to get shut down!

4) Can I post stories from the Weyr on my personal webpage?

If you even try to break the most unbreakable of Anne's rules, I will hunt you down like the dog you are and have you arrested! No, honestly, it has never been allowed and it could get us shut down. If you're interested in writing fanfiction based on Anne's works go to Anne's Official Website and register to use the fanfiction forum on her site. That is the only spot that you are allowed to post any fanfiction of any kind based on her works on a website.

5) Can I have a bronzerider?

Yes-if we are actively looking. Since male candidates are always so hard to come by, write a good one up, and on Hatching Day a bronze may wander your way :) Please remember that bronzeriders do require regular activity as they are potential Weyrleaders in the making. We don't like handing out metallics, golds or bronzes to those that don't intend to keep a reasonable level of activity in the club.

6) Can I have a metallic firelizard?

Gold-no, unless there is a good reason why your persona has one. Are you planning on adopting a Hold or CraftHall? Then with a well-written sheet I will allow one. Bronzes can be added to well written sheets, and browns, blues and green are available anytime. Though please limit how many firelizards you do have we don't want 'firelizard fairs' like Menolly's to be a common occurance.

7) How many characters can I play? make sure you are serious, you may make two in your first month as a member-but there is a good catch. Candidates, blue and brownriders, weyr crafters and drudges are all half-personas. So one may be able to create a bronzerider, a candidate and a drudge in their first month. Simple as that :) Please refrain from making more characters than you can handle, this is frowned upon especially if it takes away from any high ranking characters you play. If it is felt that you aren't keeping the activity level up for the rank of persona you play, you'll be asked to put the extra personas up for adoption/npc or the high-ranking persona will be demoted in the case of any high ranking dragonriders/crafters or weyrstaff. The Weyrleader and Weyrwomen are expected to keep a high level of activity. Weyrleader will be demoted if the person isn't felt to be able to keep up to the requirements of the position. As for going for a gold as a candidate, if you don't feel you can put in a high level of activity, please consider another color of rider. Weyrwomen that don't keep up to the requirements (since we rely on them for future clutches to draw in new members) we ask of them will be given the choice of increasing their activity or changing their golds to greens. This rule is not negotiable. We expect commitment from those players we place in high ranking positions to be able to maintain their commitment to the character that we approved them for or they earned.

8) Why can my personas only have firelizards as pets?

Well, think about it. Horses are real expensive on Earth, so their descendants -runnerbeasts are probably really expensive on Pern. Canines and felines are guard animals or mousers, though a young child may think one is a pet. Whers guard the Hold, though it may be extra fond of a person. We aren't allowing people to own them as pets. Due to their extreme photosensitivity, they would not make good pets as they could only be out at night time. Tunnelsnakes are pests, trundlebugs are used by small weyrbrats to scare girls. Dolphins are as smart as humans and have been known to 'partner' with a human. Dolphins are not pets and should be treated with respect as you would a human as they are known to save human lives at sea.

9) Can I be a dragonrider/dolphineer?

No, you cannot. If you are partnered with a dolphin you may not become a candidate, and if you are a dragonrider you may not be a dolphineer as well. Under the circumstances of dragonriders having a foundation in crafts, most crafts with the exception of being a healer (i.e. dragonhealers) and harper (i.e. Weyr Singers) wouldn't actually have any time to use their crafts actively in a weyr and still maintain their wingduties. Most dragonriders could do some of their craft as a hobby though in spare time.

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