
Yet Another Modest Proposal


The Universe+ Hypothesis v1.020

rewritten on June 14, 2005

Please understand that this was a first effort and has
been corrected (mostly) and replaced with the chapter
eight (8) version.


This paper sets forth a hypothesis that postulates a model 
of the initial conditions of the universe that contained and 
contains as its common citizen, billions and billions (my 
gratitude to Dr. Sagen) of hypermassive and supermassive 
black holes that exist distantly, at the edge of our visible 
cosmos while the big bang (distribution) event occured.
And there are many, many, billions more black holes within
our cosmos, albeit, a lot smaller.

These as yet unnumbered and for the most part, currently 
unlocated hypermassive black holes constitute the major 
population of the "Universe+" then and now, and probably, it 
was from this population of invisible hypergravity giants 
that was responsible for, and the source of, our visible 
universe's "big bang birth". 

                      What can we see?

Most of these other invisible hypermassive black holes are 
too distant to be ever detected currently by any known 
means, and so far, exist only in the inferential deductions 
of this hypothesis.

Source material The original thoughts are below on 'The Universe+' hypothesis and other somewhat related subjects that were rewritten above. Imagine if you will, collecting all the matter in the currently recognizable universe, both the "invisible" or dark matter, as it is currently called, and the "visible" matter, that is the light and/or radiation emitting matter into a big ball. We are talking about a theoretically really big ball here. But for our simple temporary purposes, let us presently assume that our theoretically constructed object is just a really, very massive object (VMO) or if you prefer, a radiation retaining hypermass. (rrh) Let's call this theoretical object a "hyper-massive black hole" (HMBH) or "hyper-massive dense matter" (HMDM), whichever you prefer. Or to coin a new term if you will, hyper-gravity mass (HGM) comes to mind. Another good name is a Radiation Retaining Object (RRO). It's your choice in the alphabet soup. In any event, whatever the solar mass sum (sigma) of our object turns out to be, divide it in half for starters, to end up with a probable sized very common universe object. (VCUO). i think i have been eating too much Campbell's alphabet soup... We are talking about something around 10 to the (sum of solar masses+/2) power solar masses here (plus or minus a couple orders of magnitude). So now we have imaginarily just collected all the matter (energy) in the universe everything and wadded it up and divided it into two huge (RRO) balls to get our VCUO and are now holding one in each hand. What we see now is all the matter of our known universe in each hand. Sort of like two really big black bowling balls right? Now the Universe+ theory is a concept that postulates that we have at least around a trillion, trillion (1.0 x 10^24th) or perhaps an infinite number of such balls (VMO's) of approximately the same or varying RRO mass distributed randomly (perhaps in a fractal pattern) in some unknown fashion in what we currently believe to be infinite space. The essence of the Universe+ concept is that there are just a whole lot of very massive VMO's which are RRO's populating space and Time. No, let's leave out Time for now, things get too messy with Time. (At least they do if you are talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time regarding physics as well as the metaphysics of human designed parallel universes) In any event, restating: The Universe+ amounts to about say, ummm, 1 x 10^24 universe-sized objects of say, 1 x 10^20th solar masses distributed fractally in the theoretical Universe+ space. And that is just for starters. Bowling Balls of various sizes Are the RRO's all the same size? Of course not. Like our visible universe, their size goes all over the place and are spaced and configured probably in the same manner as radial galaxies, clusters and all the other what have you. Probable Distribution models Now, the question arises, just how ARE they distributed in space? Well, there are several guessable models to choose from, and since we can't see any of them, or confirm anything at all at this time, one guess would appear to be as good as another for our purposes right now. Remember after all, that this whole thing is at this point at best, just a very wobbly tentative hypothesis. Are these giant "bowling balls" of matter distributed across space like a gas? Or more like a "Liquid"? Maybe even like a lattice? "Crystalline solid"? Well, there is another model that comes to mind, and this one seems to be as "good" or "comfortably intuitive" an initial guess as any, and it would be the distribution pattern modeled after the concepts around the presently popular "Fractal Geometry of Nature" pattern. That is, the big hyper-gravity RRO's in the Universe+ concept are in a similarly configured distribution pattern that mimic the much smaller galactic distribution pattern in our own universe. Taking the fractal thing a bit farther, you could equate each sun/star position with each massive RRO so that you would have all manner of shaped galaxies and whatnot in our model of the universe plus made up of the hypermassive RRO's. These hyper-gravity RRO's have to be placed somewhere in the (x,y,z,t) universe so that's my best guess for right now. As I understand it. The current cosmology in political fashion would have us to believe that there was a "big bang" from a "hot singularity" and that the beginning of the universe was the beginning of our time and our universe. That is, Time, Darkness and Light and Mass all had a "beginning". Well, talking out of the other side of the mouth again maybe two-legged darkness is gravity or two- legged gravity is darkness. Your choice. In all, well, the hot singularity concept is hard to swallow to say the least.. The Universe+ concept fixes that. (note: i was going to omit the above paragraph as irrelevant but my obvious confusion might promote discussion and thought of what is being discussed, so i decided to leave it in. ...sorry) Anyhow, back to the big bang. The Big-Bang concept may not be inaccurate, but I propose that it needs to be re- understood. Apparently, after the "big bang" comes the big "fog out" where the universe just sort of dissipates or evaporates into elementary particles once again over time. The universe may or may not undergo further possible accretion for an eventual restart as a big-bang again if you wait around long enough and hope to find the rest of the necessary mass. Except the physics theorists have proposed, and they maintain that they have proved, that there isn't enough matter to restart anything! And that is the end of that. The beginning and the end of the universe, a one-shot deal. Not bad. Kablooey, then a fog out. simple. Summing up: Pop! Fog! Gone! The only minor problem with the entire big-bang premise or modeled scenario is trying to figure out how the "bang" came to be "banged" in the first place. The Universe+ concept fixes that. The nature of darkness - (a view from a rowboat dangerously overloaded with books) But before that, let me digress for a moment into my favorite side area of search, snooping and investigation, attempting to understand the metaphysics of the black hole body politic. The institutional two-legged black hole, if you will. Now that is darkness! As a metaphysical aside-aside, the eternal presence of "two- legged darkness" in our life doesn't occur apparently to many physicists or if it does, they prudently remain silent, their fundamental science and sciencing compromised by the powers of the institutional body politic. This essay isn't short of mealy-mouthed issue avoiding sentences either. So you will just have to read between the lines. It is a sad state of affairs for humanity and the scientific community, but perhaps arguably a necessary one, given the raw material, given the problems, and the solutions to the problems that mankind does have some sort of control over. That common sciencing of this type can be so corrupted and pumped full of deceit and lies for the "greater good of humanity" is a bit perplexing. Before I get too far, remember that "those who love and practice deceit" are one of the great six classes of post- judgment humanity that remain outside the gates (rev 22:15 if memory serves me correctly) according to Christian Tradition. It is among these six classes of exclusioned people that we, as pilgrims in our lifelong journey to the local "Superman", have our sufferable daily interaction. Learn to always automatically make the six-way litmus test to all those around you. The universe+ concept understood metaphysically, fixes that. And you have to admit after all, that mankind's problems are sourced to some degree, speaking euphemistically, within himself and augmented by the alternate institution. It is going to be a long hard journey upcountry to effect significant moral change in a competitive humanity. A very long march upcountry, if i may borrow a sentence from Xenophon's Anabasis (March up Country.) And if I may insert a very personal note, I experienced most of my childhood in a Catholic orphanage, and as a result of that, I am not optimistic about man's prospect's or even his proposed solutions to his problems. Of course, the problem is my finite mind. I don't have any better ideas. I don't know what doesn't work. Indeed, i cannot even tell spiritual light from spiritual dark. I am not alone. But those who have been working on the problem for centuries do know what doesn't work. Because of my personal limitations, i just pray. Even then, we have to ask the question: Is personal prayer a form of idolatry? Does it accomplish anything? Or is it just an act that ranks right up there with masturbation in effectiveness with respect to promoting the common good? Forgive my lack of answers... Is prayer just a sort of a "spiritual relieving of tension" so to speak. A simple device to relieve pressures on the autonomic nervous system. Are those who just pray consigned to the six excluded classes as an idolater? Is prayer without worth? Is anyone really listening? I have seen and lived with the "Lord of the Flies" humanity, that sample of humanity that will make up our future leaders. I personally don't see how we can get there from here. But forgive my doubts and bad vision, as i am again, a little short of brains. So i just pray. Fragile we are, even just an asteroid a few miles in diameter hitting the earth will blow out everybody's candles and there isn't a damn thing anyone on earth can do about it. Or maybe even just a nice homegrown 40 by 60 mile long exploding caldera in Yellowstone park would create unmanageable congestion at the funeral parlors.. Since we are not at the top of the physics or even metaphysics food chain, it would seem like the best we can do and most prudent thing that we can do is just prep humanities earthly nest and take care of what we can take care of during our species mayfly existence here on earth. Looking at the "big bang" premise metaphysically, or from the point of view of the institutional high priest or scribe with golden and white flowing robes, one thing that should have occurred to them, but apparently didn't, or if it did, they remained tactfully silent viewing it as irrelevant (a favorite activity...) is that under the current "big bang" premise, God can make light only ONCE. Just once. And then the light just gradually goes away. Which sort of seems like a politically arbitrary or theologically artificial limitation on God's power. Which smacks somewhat of some unnamed metaphysical heresy to me, if you are into that sort of thing. Seems to me that God should be able to make light whenever or wherever God wanted to make light. Sounds good? If he wanted to make light for us cretin sinners, is it unreasonable for him to want to make light for others? You do agree that he can make others and light for them, don't you? Or is he again just limited to making us humans. Just what constraints are your concepts placing on God? Seems like he could make a two legged hairy zebra if he wanted to. Heck, in another couple of decades, man might even be able to do that. Come to think of it, seems like i saw a... Anyhow, you get the idea, now put away your bundles of firewood please. Don't get you ass in a sling by doing the Joan of Arc thing. The sticks and tares are selected, bound and burnt by God and not us, according to our favorite "readsay" document. Those creatures who are VAIN enough to attempt "God's work" and take on "His Identity" get their brainless asses in a sling fast enough without any help from us. Speaking musically, and borrowing from Ferde Grofe, you get a free donkey ride down into a very deep valley but there is nothing said about coming back out while you await the storm. And even Toscanni said about Grofe's opus, "The storm was the most terrifying thing he had ever heard." Trust me, that last bolt of lightning has your name on it and will hit you right in the ass. God doesn't fuck around. Even if we, as a member in the corporate body of the sorcerer's apprentice, or as zombie apprentices stitched into Dr. Frankenstein's organizational creation can hardly do anything else but create organizational havoc.. The heavenly choirs always look on, and make their recommendations. And with the Judgments being made, the ropes are lowered from the heavens (or the alternate institution) for those who are among the elect for binding and destruction for their sins, arrogance, pride, and presumption of taking on God's identity. From a religious point of view, I recommend that you just pray and not partake. Or stated in another way, "don't touch divinity with a ten foot pole." Just pray. Trust me you wannabe godlings, just pray... unless you want to end up stitched into the institutional body of your local Frankenstein or his bride. Speaking poetically, "Decline the invitation to the Dance", "Don't go to the Cabaret, my friend". Life isn't just a Cabaret my friend. Dodge "Cupid's arrows like you would the sting of an asp." And if stung, "do not go gently into that good night." Don't play in black holes children. Hamlet's question, "To be or not to be?" is not a valid option. We are not. It is as simple as that. Okay then, what are we? Well, a simple one word answer is, "thieves". Collectively, we are committing waste upon the earth and destroying everything that your own children will need to survive, say, five and onward generations from now. Your "to be" god (lower case deliberate) is as myopic as Mr. Magoo. I Think, therefore I AM is the biggest bunch of bullshit ever presented to/by woman. Descartes better sentence would have been, "I think, therefore i am not." and "I better get down on my knees and just pray because i am not!" or I understand, therefore i am. At least here you eliminate all the other mammals that show some evidence of "thinking". It is only a drooling institution of Darkness upon the earth that is offering us eternal life here on earth and not in heaven.. The dead entombed. The false easter of Nimrod. The organization of Dracula and Frankenstein are political organizational realities and not fairy tales. Just ask any of their dead. Or, as stated in our first horror novel, "let the dead bury the dead." It is not earth that we want to inherit, it is heaven, to be with the Father of Perfect Justice. (You may not like to endure perfect justice by the way, but that is another subject.) Perhaps the phrase, "Where there is no Good Friday, there is no Easter Sunday." may mean something to some of you. It was written that the Stations of the Cross should be a living reality for every true Christian (and i might add: "in all times for all times"). No spiritual, or better said, metaphysical event in Christ's life, no matter how small, will be missing from the true Christians. That's why the stations of the cross are in every Catholic Church. They are NOT wall decorations. They are the Christians metaphysical/spiritual reality. Cheery news, what? Have a nice Calvary, mystical body Jesus. So "who are you?" said the caterpillar to Alice? Are you the soldier holding the scourge? Are you jeering and throwing stones at the little man on his journey to the place of the skull? Have you stepped out from the shadows to wipe his brow? Are you the soldier with the lance? Have you thrown lots for his garments? Are you among the weeping women beneath the Cross? Are you shrieking to free Barabbas? Have you moderated a Trial at night? Are you the one who has given Jesus a kiss? Have you been addressed as "Peter, son of John"? Have you been told that your son is "John"? Have you been told that your mother is "Mary" But before you go crucifying yourself to some cross in a fit of theological ambition, let God decide who his son is, if you are it, you will feel the hatred, the ridicule, the scourging, the nails, soon enough. If not, just pray. But watch out for the ropes raised from hell or lowered from heaven that bind and consume. They are the most dangerous things on earth. I suspect that "Success in life" is defined as belonging to that organizational body who can, at his (not her but his) last judgment, show the Father of us all, the nail wounds in his arms and feet, the lance wound piercing his side, the marks of the scourge on his back." And a big smile while entering the halls of His Perfect Justice, His 4th dimensional theoretically perfect Justice. And now, late in life, I would add: But be very, very careful. There is a mimicking system composed of darkness to capture the ambitious, the fraudulent, the vain, the proud, and those who like little boy's pee-wees." My recommendation, fellow sinner is to ever get out of our playtime sandbox until recess is finally over and then only when they have to haul you out by your feet. Thus endeth the metaphysical, poetical & theological sermon portion of this essay on the Universe+. ------------------------------------------------------------- Now back to real-time physics speculation: The expanding universe and its cause, the "Big Bang" is premised, if I understand correctly in part, on some sort of "red-shift" light phenomenon from existing galaxies. That is, if it's "red" it is going away. If it is a "blue shift", it is honking our way. What if the "red shift" is due to say, the effect of sodium ions in space that the light passes on its way to us? Can you "slow down the speed (better said, the energy (wavelength)) of light" to the extent that it mimics a Doppler effect? If so, how far? If that is so, then the whole "exploding universe theory" goes away, and with it, the universe+ concept. We are then left with a normal, but eternal universe of stars and matter as viewed from the eyeball and its aids. Explain then, the "Great Attractor" But let's put aside my ignorant questions for a second and assume that there WAS a monstrous "big bang". Have to keep this essay on track. ---------------------------------------- the following is a delete candidate. or a rewrite and replace ---------------------------------------- Oops! but just yet another metaphysical digression... What on earth?... well wait a minute, what in the universe can cause a "big bang"? (for sure, nothing on earth can cause one.) We are just a pimple on a pimple on a pimple on a pimple. We are four magnitudes down and maybe even more in the cosmological order of things. But the limitless vanity of the philosopher makes him state: "I think, therefore I AM!" Ha-ha-ha-ha... aaaah... mankind. such worms. Well, wait a minute. In all fairness, even worms need a culture. Plenty of coffee grounds, some water, maybe a screen to keep out the predators... have fun burrowing kids... And just count the war dead alone in the 20th century, many of whom were just innocent flowers, cut down. And then there is the collateral damage. I AM? Am i? And this 21st century has gotten off to a nice start as well... Descartes' much better sentence would have been: "I think, therefore I AM NOT." Or, I think, therefore i am a murderer! Examine the stomach contents for beef, chicken, lamb, pork, turkey, rabbit, venison, and etc. - ----------------------------------------------------------- Anyhow back to the subject of real physics: If you wad up all the mass in the universe you get something like a lebenty-leben solar mass object which we will assume to be a massive RRO "black hole" or at least a whole lot of matter (energy/mass) in one place. I think the physicists call it a "Very Massive Object" or VMO for short. Can anyone figure the general escape velocity from such a mass? If it is a multiple of c are we going to have centrifugal problems? along with a conservation of angular momentum issues? Test #1: Okay, now divide big ball up into two, or maybe even more, masses. Recalc the escape velocity. Hold them at arms length and then let go. 24 What happens? 1. ka-blooie whamo! pieces of universe all over the place or 2. muusssh! just one big ball now, no explosion, no emissions. 24 What was their impact velocity? What would be the optimum velocity v that the two objects of mass m hurtling towards one another could achieve from distance d? Test #2: For an alternate scenario, assume the two or more masses pass near enough to one another to start in a closing binary or higher orbit and during their orbiting status, all VMO's might pick up mass falling in from other tag-along matter. With escape velocities well in excess of probably many c's, what will happen to the outside most of the binary system as that matter (energy) approaches c or even exceeds a critical gravitational value? Explanation #1 The centrifugal force upon the mass of the rotating bodies will be so high that part of the outer mass, that with the highest centrifugal force applied to it, will be "ejected" outward in huge flow of chunks of matter. The matter will have five* vectors, an X,Y,Z,V and a T with respect to the center of mass of the binary Very Massive Objects and would continue with those vectors. Complicating the issue is an additional set of the same vectors concerning the movement of the source energy (mass). * five vectors! where did i dream that one up? what i meant was, that the binaries are moving through space at the same time that they are divesting themselves of mass so it's probably (X1-X2,Y1-Y2,Z1-Z2,T1-T2 ) or something mathy like that... Hey look, give me a break, its been over 50 years since i had long division... After the initial tearing apart of the binary or trinary or higher VMO system the conservation of angular momentum will slow down (wrong! sigh...) the binary or higher objects and ejectiva will be at slower and slower rates as the binary object looses mass and rotating velocity. This appears to be accomplished with one or two revolutions if you look carefully at most spiral galaxies ! This will appear then to a viewer as two or more spiraling arms coming from the binary object as most of the galaxies indeed do. The same physical events would hold true no matter what the original value of the solar masses would be in the VMO's. As mass is "transformed" and becomes "ejectiva" (thrown out) the physical conservation of angular momentum event slows down the rotating objects (wrong! wrong! wrong! some other term is needed here.) and therefore mass, chunks of mass (energy), begin to be thrown out at slower and slower velocities until all ejectiva is ejected, seemingly within one or two "yearly" revolutions of the binaries most of the time. The resulting ejectiva some of which too small to gravitationally hold the light from escaping, seems like it "ignites" (allows mass to escape via radiation and photons) That matter "ejected" that is large enough to contain its fusion emissions is sent on its way at a velocity that is commensurate with the remaining mass of the hyper-gravity masses. The dark matter is hurled into what looks to an outsider to be a spiral nebulae, except in this "big bang" case it is a spiral universe with trillions of smaller black holes now going through the same process, some creating light emitting milky ways except on a smaller scale. What remains inside the now defunct "big bang" is dense matter that no longer has the mass to bring matter to the velocity of c, and therefore transform it as galactic ejectiva. So what is left may just clump up. A few minor nagging physics problems remain with this Universe+ concept: 1. If not previously undergoing fusion, what "ignites" most of the ejectiva to its fusion process? 2. What physical processes are responsible? 3. If the temperature of a hyper-gravity mass is near Absolute zero as some maintain it is with smaller "black holes", can fusion occur? Can the ejectiva "ignite" itself? If fusion wasn't in effect within the hyper-gravity mass before the "big-bang", why should it start later with even less mass? How can it start anyhow if it wasn't already part of the condition/nature/physics of a hyper-gravity object? The obvious tentative suggestion is, that with any hyper- gravity mass, fusion must be always occurring, albeit internally constrained, as the mass is so great, that no mass (light or radiation) escapes except solely thru a zero (equal) gravity port. Visible evidence of fusion must only occur when the mass of the fusion object is so little such that (energy) products can escape from its gravity as the escape velocity of the mass in question is less than c. The temperature of the existing universe+ under this "internal temperature and pressure" hypothesis would be higher than generally thought now. The black holes aren't really black, they are just real hot little bastards just containing their light from being visible on earth. (Umm, sort of like the choirs of some sort of naughty angels, if you like...) clean this up a bit... As another aside, IF Gravity has a propagation rate, and therefore implies or permits or allows evaporation of its mother mass, then it too must be subject to recall by the forces of gravity within the hyper-gravity mass since it is exhibiting the emittive properties of mass (energy). Does this concept of 'gravitational wave retention' create a hyper-gravity mass that has NO APPARENT GRAVITY because of the gravitational "recall" and "rebending" of the gravity "waves"!? With no "gravity", the hyper-gravity mass won't collide or be drawn to another mass and therefore will not be capable of initiating a "big bang"! It would appear to be a hyper- huge "no-mass" object in space! Clearly under this hypothesis, gravity (gravitational waves) do not propagate, and is not a propagating force in this scenario, or there wouldn't have been an original big bang under the above premise in the first place. oh shoot! the following below is all wrong and needs to be completely rewritten as gravity appears to tag along and "goes" with the "evaporated mass (energy). That is, it (warped spacetime) (neutrino density?) leaves the zero gravitational port as radiation. the rewrite goes here: Possible Conclusion: Gravity does not propagate. Gravity follows Mass, declining mass, declining gravity, declining magnetic fields. Gravity is. Time is. (warped spacetime is?) getting a little out of my league here... <---- wrong, wrong, wrong (aug 18, 2005) see Gravity waves and the Snot Standard Model If we allow light & radiation to conceptually propagate or "evaporate" its mother mass thru time. Let me suggest then, that Gravity "leaves" its mother mass thru time. Spacetime warpage decreases. Hypothesis: Gravity, that is, warped spacetime does NOT propagate! Contra: Well, we can safely ignore this hypothesis for sure... If we could test the propagation of gravity, a suggested way would be to place a new (unpropagated) mass 100 miles from a gravitational source and another 1,000,000,000,000 miles from the same gravitational source. release both at the same time with your fingers and look at your pocket watch to see if one started to weigh something before the other. Contra: sigh... (Yiks! My head is soaking wet here... sniff... see gravwave for update. Well, that is not going to work because there is no such thing as a "new" mass. And, ALL the mass that does exist has finished 'propagating' its warped spacetime (gravity) eons ago. No, eons and eons and eons ago. Contra: it's true that there may not be any "new" mass, but there are new mass conditions which will generate a gravity wave propagating out at c. oh well, nobody said this was going to be easy... Even a nova with its spectacular 'explosion' simply readjusts its center of mass. hmmm, and that may decrease its gravity somewhat. So the new lack of spacetime warpage may be able to be detected, or may not, depending on how far away it was... notice i did NOT say gravity wave. Contra: I sort of changed my mind on this a tad so see my new gravity wave restatement.
v1.001 added bug zapper analogy v1.002 added cluster issue and minor rewording. v1.003 added item 32 and minor rewording. v1.004 went to HTML & Front Page Express v1.005 added fonts, superscript v1.006 spell checked doc. (lots of mistakes!) v1.007 rewrite hypo 1 through 7 on 2/17/01 v1.008 corrected errors, changed wording, added a little. v1.009 same as above, added green cheese ... ... v1.020 redid whole thing. deleted some, added some. :-) v1.021 reformat spacing, rewrote paragraphs v1.022 split universe+.html into two files. v1.023 "adjusted" univers2.html to two voices.
the voyage A single person sailing in a very small boat upon a vast indifferent sea depending on the winds of the Heavens while listening to the growling down below
Final comments Yet Another Modest Proposal or The Universe+ Hypothesis v1.022 - a careful rewrite Summary Abstract: This paper set forth a hypothesis that postulated a model of the initial conditions of the universe that contained as its common citizen, billions of hypermassive and supermassive black holes. These as yet unnumbered, and for the most part, unlocated hypermassive black holes, constitute the major population of the universe and are responsible the universe's events. Most are too distant to be ever detected. Detection? However, some sort of detection may be possible from backlighting by galaxies showing a small circle, which would be the event horizon of the hypermassive object. Stars would appear in front as bent light from star that are behind the hypermassive object. These same stars would appear to move to the perimeter of the event horizon of the backlite hypermassive object as they approached the hypermassive black hole from behind. Perimeter stars should be tracked first as those may be the closest and moving the fastest towards the object. Blue shifting may be visible and detectable. I'll leave this to the experts... i'm outta here...
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